Shazam (辨認歌曲)

免費與無限使用:Shazam 可立即識別音樂,且可多次標記,無月度限制!
全新功能: LyricPlay™:觀賞全螢幕歌詞,與您正在標記的歌曲同步播放-跟著歌詞合唱。
Shazam 是發現更多音樂最為快捷的方式。握住您的手機,靠近音樂以識別其曲目,購買音樂,觀看視頻並獲取相關歌詞,隨後在 Spotify 或更多其他播放機上進行播放。
憑藉 Shazam,您可以:
• 保存並再次收聽(30 秒預覽)
○ 觀賞與歌曲同步的全螢幕歌詞
• 在 Amazon MP3 專欄購買音樂
• 在 YouTube 上觀看視頻
• 在 Spotify 上收聽所標記的音樂
• 在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上分享標記
• 瞭解您所想歌詞的資訊
• 從 Shazam Friends 和標記清單中發現新音樂
• 獨家內容的標記電視節目和廣告——尋找 Shazam 標識!
• 瞭解歌星何時舉行巡演及購買演唱會門票
• 在沒有蜂窩式連接時使用
• 通過 Shazam 視窗小部件直接從主螢幕標記音樂
• 記住所標記音樂的位置
「您相信魔術麼?也許在您試用 Shazam (一款很棒的音樂識別軟體)後,就會相信它的神奇之處。它擁有不可思議的能力,能識別音樂並告訴您關於該音樂的一切資訊」。 GIZMODO

NOTE: If you're experiencing connection issues, please ensure you're running the latest version, then quit and restart the app. If you're still having trouble please contact our customer support team through the app in Settings|About Shazam (press the email address). Sorry for the bumps in the road, we're working hard to address any issues you are experiencing. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday!

Free and Unlimited usage: Shazam identifies music instantly, so tag as often as you like with no monthly limits!

NEW: LyricPlay™ :See full-screen lyrics that play in time to the music you’re tagging - learn the lyrics you thought you knew.

Shazam is the quickest and easiest way to discover more about music. Hold your phone up to the music to identify a track, buy it, watch the video, get the lyrics, play in Spotify and more!

With Shazam, you can:
○ Save and listen again (30 sec previews)
○ See full-screen lyrics in time to music
○ Buy tracks on Amazon MP3
○ Watch videos on YouTube
○ Listen to your tagged music in Spotify
○ Share tags on Facebook & Twitter
○ Learn the lyrics you thought you knew
○ Discover new music from your Shazam Friends and Shazam Tag Chart
○ Tag TV shows and commercials for exclusive content - Look for the Shazam Logo!
○ Find out when an artist is on tour and buy concert tickets
○ Use it when you don’t have a signal
○ Tag music straight from your home screen with the Shazam widget
○ Remember where you tagged a track with Location

“Do you believe in magic? Maybe you will after trying Shazam – a jaw droppingly awesome music identifier. It has the uncanny ability to recognize the track and tell you everything about it”. GIZMODO

For an ad free experience and exclusive features upgrade to our premium App – Encore.

