
Androidify yourself…

Create, accessorize and share Android characters that look like you, your best friend, your Uncle Sal... anyone, really.

Now with:
- NBA gear! Jerseys and shorts for all 30 NBA teams.
- 9 new shareable animations for a total of 32 different animation choices.
- New clothes requested by you! (including additional dresses, sneakers and kids outfits.)

Now it's even more fun to share your animated Android characters in texts, posts or chats as emoticons, animated GIFs and pics.

And don't forget to submit your creations to the Gallery where they can hang with Android characters from around the world.

自由搭配您自己的 Android 機器人…
創造、裝飾和分享以您自己、您的親朋好友或者任何人為原型的Andr​​oid 機器人。
- NBA 球衣套裝!所有 30 支 NBA 球隊的球衣球褲。
- 新增了9 種動畫效果(總共有32 種動畫效果供您選擇)。
- 新增了用戶期待的更多服飾(包括連衣裙、運動鞋和童裝)。
現在,您可以在短信、社交信息或聊天對話中,將自己創造的Andr​​oid 動畫人物以表情符、GIF 動畫和圖片的形式分享給好友,樂趣多多。
另外,不要忘記將您創造的Andr​​oid 人物提交至 圖庫。這樣,它們就可以和來自世界各地的Andr​​oid 人物一同展出了。

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