Pigs in Trees

Pigs in planes plucks pesky peckers with powerful package Get Pigs in Trees now!
Protect your tree from an army of pesky peckers!
"The hardest thing about reviewing Pigs in Trees is deciding which part to praise first, because there's just so many things I like about it." - TouchArcade.com
"I’ve usually found games like this to be boring, but this one kept me so hooked I almost missed my stop on the train. Multiple times." - 148apps.com
"It's the best kind of blend of dexterity, strategy and speed -- a satisfying blend that left me retrying levels ad infinitum, searching for the best bird-obliterating flightpaths possible." joystiq.com
"If you like action games, strategy games, line-drawing games, or, in fact, any other games, do yourself a favour and add this to your collection" -TheSmarthPhoneAppReview.com
The woodpeckers are attacking your tree and your role is to defend your home and your pig family from the invading force of enemies. Using a real time line drawing game mechanic, you must protect the pig’s tree nest by shooting down enemy woodpeckers with an air force made of pigs.

