Google Tasks: Get Things Done

Get more done with Google Tasks. Manage, capture, and edit your tasks from anywhere, at anytime, with to-dos that sync across all your devices. Integrations with Gmail and Google Calendar help you get tasks done—faster.

Quickly capture tasks anywhere
• Create task lists with your most important to-dos
• View, edit, and manage tasks on the go, from any device
• Manage tasks created in Gmail or Calendar on the web from your mobile device

Add details and create subtasks
• Break down your tasks to subtasks
• Add details about the work you need to focus on
• Edit details about any task as your work progresses

View tasks created from emails
• Create a task directly from an email in Gmail
• View your tasks in the side panel of Gmail
• Trace a task back to its source email

Stay on track with due dates and notifications
• Set a due date for every task to help you achieve your goals
• Organize your tasks by date or prioritize using drag-and-drop
• Receive due date notification reminders to keep your  tasks on track

Part of G Suite
• Bring Google's suite of powerful, intelligent apps to your business
• Leverage Googles AI to bring data insights and analysis to every employee
• Connect with your team seamlessly using one suite: Gmail, Tasks, Calendar & more

Take control of your task management and install Google Tasks. Start managing your to-do list on the go with the Tasks planner app from Google.

Google Tasks 行動應用程式能有效助你提高工作效率。你可以在所有裝置上同步處理待辦事項,以便隨時隨地管理、擷取及編輯工作。另外,這項工具與 Gmail Google 日曆整合後,可助你更快完成工作。

透過行動裝置管理 Gmail Google 日曆網頁版所建立的工作
直接利用 Gmail 中的電子郵件建立工作
Gmail 的側邊面板查看工作
G Suite 緊密結合
運用 Google 一系列強大的智慧應用程式來處理公司事務
利用 Google AI 為所有員工提供資料深入分析和分析研究報告
使用同一套工具 (包括 GmailTasks Google 日曆等等),讓團隊在相同的工作環境中合作無間

安裝 Google Tasks 行動應用程式,工作管理輕鬆搞定。立即使用 Google 提供的 Tasks 工作規劃應用程式,隨時隨地輕鬆管理待辦事項清單。
