Desktop Visualizer (修改桌面圖示)

Desktop VisualizeR makes shortcuts or widgets for your home screen.
Desktop VisualizeR(DVR) makes shortcuts or widgets with the image specified or the icon of another application for the Home screen.
Don't know the exact size for widget images? Purchase DVRImageCrop or DVRImageSlicer. Some of widgets in screen shots are created by these add-ons. Please try.
Usage:From Home screen press menu->add->Widgets or Shortcuts->Desktop VisualizeR
* The crash log will be sent to us using our web server through the internet.
** Important changes in 1.2.7
* We have removed CALL_PHONE permission. So, DVR can not make direct phone call with tapping widgets or encoded shortcuts anymore. But DVR will always launch dialer instead. If you want to make direct phone call, please install DVRDirectCall.
** Changes in 1.2.3
* From this version, we decided to embed ads(Added permission for ads). To hide ads, please configure icon by our paid add-ons or icon packs. To confirm whether ads is hidden or not, please see "No Ads" status in the Settings menu.
* Now application list caching is included. You do not need DVRAppListCache anymore. If you do not need caching, please make OFF the "Cache application names" option in the Settings.
* Now lists all homes, including that seems to register create shortcut broadcast receiver dynamically, when creating shortcuts.
* Added widget size information dialog(menu > More > Widget info).
* Refactored for future enhancement.
* New widget icons.
* More widget sizes(3x4, 4x3). To enable these sizes, please change settings by "Widget Usage" in the Settings menu.


可以配合 HS Image Cut 自行製作喜受的 ICON


  1. 請問如何可令原本的logo都一起轉圖樣﹖

  2. 這個軟件只能把桌面上的icon轉圖樣而已

  3. 謝謝喵喵, 如果我想更改樣圖的圖樣, 有沒有其他apps可幫助﹖

  4. 你意思是不是想說改手機(程式)內安裝好的 ICON 圖樣?如果是這個意思,以我知識內,應該不能修改,因為我看到的都是只能修改桌面上的圖示和主題而已

