
Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)的所有iPhone以及Android產品都將免費,本產品已經免費。
小技巧:在搜索框裡面輸入sinyee或者寶寶巴士可以檢索到Baby Bus的所有產品。
寶寶學水果是Baby Bus系列(寶寶巴士)針對0-6歲寶寶設計的啟蒙教育軟件。它能訓練小手臂和手眼協調能力, 有助於學齡前兒童的啟蒙認知。產品中擁有豐富可愛的圖片, 為寶寶們展示了各種水果的生長方式。寶寶的任務就是用小手指點擊水果進行採摘, 並通過水果連連看來認識各種水果。

Congradulation to Babybus! The number of users has exceeded 6 millions.

All our products of iPhone and Android will be free ,this product is free now .
Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.

Baby Learning Fruits, a series from Baby Bus, is designed by a mother and her 2 year old baby. The baby likes this work of his mother very much.

This educational software is suitable for infants from 0 up to 3 years of age, trains a baby's small arms and hand-eye coordination and helps preschool children achieve a knowledge of fruits. Our product contains rich and lovely pictures,helps babies to learn the different fruit growing process. Baby can click the fruit to pick, and know the fruit's name by playing the matching game. Infants will fall in love with this kind of easy, simple cognitive game.

