Orbital FREE

現在,備受好評的iPhone 熱門遊戲終於登陸Android !體驗這款僅用單手拇指即可​​玩的遊戲,試試看。 Orbital是一款令人愛不釋手而又極具挑戰性的益智遊戲,它的唯一目標就是:通過摧毀光球來得分。這是一款適合所有人的簡單益智遊戲!你可以在簡短的遊戲過程中,隨時體驗精美的視覺效果,出色的音效,當然還有刺激的遊戲玩法。
到目前為止,Orbital已榮獲多個獎項,還躋身於日本、挪威、瑞士和其他國家的十大熱門遊戲行列。 《紐約時報》曾報導稱Orbital是讓智能手機充滿魔力的應用程序之一,並稱它是值得下載的遊戲之一。既然如此,你還在等什麼呢?試一試吧!
經確認,Orbital可在以下設備上運行:Google Nexus One、Samsung Galaxy S、Nokia Xperia X10 Mini、Asus Transformer
*denki.co.uk 年度遊戲
*DiscoveryBeats 應用程序大賽優勝獎
* pocketGamer.co.uk 銀獎
- jayisgames.com
- pocketgamer.co.uk
«極其容易上手,但開始後要撐過幾分鐘則有如一場馬拉松。 Orbital 簡約的風格最適合消磨零散的閒暇時光。 » 8/10
- Keith Andrew (pocketgamer.co.uk)
«雖然有一些遊戲的玩法機制和Orbital一樣,但沒有哪款遊戲像Orbital一樣酷。 »
- Eli Hodapp (toucharcade.com)
«BitForge 成功地將Peggle 刺激的遊戲玩法和Geometry Wars 的美妙之處,這兩種數字遊戲形式融入在一款操作簡易的遊戲中。 »
- Chad George (thatvideogameblog.com)
«Orbital採用簡單的遊戲玩法,搭配獨特的“重力”特色和精美的遊戲畫面。遊戲有時可能會讓人萬分沮喪,但這不會妨礙你一次次地繼續挑戰。 » 4/5
- Will Raskin (148apps.com)
«Orbital有著精美的遊戲畫面和各種簡潔明了的特色。回頭想想,這遊戲還真沒有什麼缺點。 Bitforge 幹得很棒! » 5/5
- Yoyo (iphonefootprint.com)
- 單人或雙人模式
- 3 種遊戲模式:

- 精美的粒子效果
- 全天時 24 小時更新的在線排行榜
- Facebook 連接:可與Facebook 好友一較高下
Orbital基於Wouter Visser 的Gimme Friction Baby。

The critically acclaimed hit-game for iPhone is now finally available for Android! ORBITAL is an addicting and challenging puzzle game with just one goal: score points by destroying orbs. A simple puzzle game for everyone! Enjoy the beautiful visual effects, the great sound and of course the addicting gameplay anytime in short sessions.
Orbital has until now won several prices and was among the top ten games in Japan, Norway, Switzerland and other countries. The New York Times mentioned it as one of those applications making your smartphone magical and featured it as one of the games which are worth downloading. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try !

Orbital is confirmed to work on the following devices: Google Nexus One, Samsung Galaxy S, Nokia Xperia X10 Mini, Asus Transformer
Awards and Prizes:
*Game of the Year denki.co.uk
*Winner DiscoveryBeats Apps Contest
*Silver Award pocketGamer.co.uk


- jayisgames.com

- pocketgamer.co.uk



«A picnic to understand, but a marathon to get beyond the first few minutes, Orbital's simple style is perfect for those looking for fill the odd spare moment.» 8/10
- Keith Andrew (pocketgamer.co.uk)

«While there are already a few games that share the same gameplay mechanics as Orbital, none of them look anywhere near as cool.»
- Eli Hodapp (toucharcade.com)

«BitForge has managed to combine the addictive gameplay of Peggle and the beauty of Geometry Wars, two digital forms of crack, into one easy to use package.»
- Chad George (thatvideogameblog.com)

«Orbital takes simple gameplay and dresses it up with a unique “gravity” feature and enhanced graphics. The game can be very frustrating at times, but that won’t keep you from coming back for another try.» 4/5
- Will Raskin (148apps.com)

«Orbital has got fantastic graphics and unfussy features. Come to think of it, there are really no negative points about the game. Good going, Bitforge!» 5/5
- Yoyo (iphonefootprint.com)


Shoot the colorful orbs onto a grid. As soon as the orb stops it will grow until it hits an obstacle (wall or another orb on the playing field). Now you have to shoot the orb several times with the following orbs until it’s destroyed. Every destroyed orb grants you one single point. You could collect endless points but there is one difficulty: The shot mustn’t hit the death line above the cannon. If it does, the game is over! How many points can you get?
