購票通 Cityline

購票通官方App - 即時購買UA戲院戲票!
透過「購票通 Cityline」應用程式,您可以即時購買全港UA戲院戲票,無需再受排隊之苦! 本程式提供全線UA戲院電影放映時間、即時座位表、電影介紹及戲院資料等。請即免費下載! (購票服務暫只供購票通會員使用)
*請把你的手機 Time Zone 設定為GMT +8

Cityline App gives you much convenience to buy UA Cinemas tickets on your Android device. Without the need to queue at cinema, you can buy movie tickets in an instant! The App also provides showtimes and real-time seat plan of all movies in UA Cinemas. Download now! (Transaction service is currently opened to Cityline members only)

