***這是《殺手:殭屍之城》的未分級版本,包含血腥元素! ! ***
作為一名真正的賞金殺手,您已是身經百戰,做掉的惡徒悍匪更是難以計數。是時候迎接全新挑戰,您將面對毀滅性大災變:病毒肆虐,喪屍襲城!隸屬於“GLU Mobile”的“殺手”遊戲製作組將為您獻上一份特殊的萬聖節禮物,“殺手:殭屍之城”,用怒射的子彈、熊熊的火焰讓這些感染城市的喪屍腐肉灰飛煙滅、消亡殆盡!


***This is the UNRATED version of CONTRACT KILLER: ZOMBIES with blood & gore!!***

You have killed more criminals than you can count. Now it's time to face the apocalypse and blow the crap out of thousands of zombies! From the team that brought you Contract Killer comes CONTRACT KILLER: ZOMBIES.

"Today is just another day. Since the horde came we've been lucky to see tomorrow. Came up fast, out of nowhere. Zombies! Walking dead meat. I just kill 'em... and keep on killin' 'em.

I'm not a hero… just trying to survive. They call me "Shooter", because that's what I do. Shooting zombies is the only thing I'm good at... and I'm good. DAMN good."

Save the remnants of humanity by infiltrating the zombie-infested city, stocking up on supplies, rescuing civilians and ushering them to safety while slaughtering every zombie in your path!

EXPLODING ZOMBIE BRAINS is just about the best fun you can have these days!

HELP THE SURVIVORS and assist Evelyn as she goes on supply runs and special missions.

Build up an arsenal of AWESOME ZOMBIE KILLING WEAPONS and gear including sniper rifles, assault guns and grenade launchers!

Take aim and collect bonuses for HEADSHOTS and MULTI-KILLS!

Twitter @glumobile

Recent changes:
NEW WEAPONS including the STREETSWEEPER auto-shotgun, and the HELLFIRE mini-gun!

15 NEW STORY MISSIONS with new characters and cinema quality voice acting.

GRENADES!!! Three types of grenades. Shotgun out of ammo? Chuck a grenade instead!

Special Enhancements including DAMAGE BOOST and BULLET TIME!

New in-game sound effects and visuals.

Bugs… yeah, we fixed some of those too.

