Guns'n'Glory WW2

拿起火箭筒並準備好手榴彈,快取得連連獲獎的戰略動作遊戲 Guns'n'Gloary 後的又一驚悚力作!訂購坦克加入戰鬥,部隊行軍前進第二次世界大戰的前線戰場。軸心陣線或同盟陣線 – 你將是這場戰鬥的關鍵人物!
- 二次大戰中驚險的防禦策略
- 是繼受好評的 Guns’n’Glory 西部遊戲後又一力作
- 2 方陣營可選:美軍陣營或軸心德國
- 兩方陣營可取得的 4 種不同裝備
- 配備 3 種不同困難模式的 12 個具挑戰性的地圖
- 類似角色扮演技巧的系統,可升級你的裝備
- 強有力的寶物可用來取得戰略性優勢
- 贏取榮耀金幣並用來改善部隊和戰場s
- 驚天動地的爆破和絕佳的效果
- 敲響戰鬥的號角
- 20 項具挑戰性的成就
* Xperia PLAY optimized *
時值 1944 年冬天的西線。敵軍決定對我方發動一波又一波的攻勢,而你和你的弟兄正在執勤。該加派人手保衛!招募並升級部隊、訂購坦克進入戰場、運用超強戰略和火力擊敗敵軍!展開空襲行動佔盡上方並收集補給箱,提高部隊士氣!運用噴火器攻擊敵軍,讓醫護人員治療傷兵!扛起槍來,讓榮耀加身!

Explosive defense action in World War II!

Grab your bazookas and ready your grenades in the thrilling successor to the award-winning action-strategy game Guns’n’Glory! Order your tanks into combat and march your troops to the frontlines of World War II. Axis or Allies - the battle will be decided by YOU!

- Thrilling defense-action strategy during WW2
- Successor to the popular Guns’n’Glory Wild West game
- 2 factions to choose from: US Forces, Axis Germany
- 4 different units to recruit on each side
- 12 challenging maps with 3 different difficulty modes
- RPG-like skill system to upgrade your units
- Powerful items to use for tactical advantages
- Earn Glory Coins and spend them on troop and battlefield improvements
- Earth-shattering explosions and awesome effects
- Pounding battle tunes

* Xperia PLAY optimized *

It’s the winter of 1944, Western Front. You and your boys are on guard duty when the enemy decides to throw wave after wave of troops at your position. Time to man the defenses! Recruit and upgrade troops, order tanks into battle and beat the enemy with superior tactics and firepower! Call in air strikes to gain the upper hand and collect supply crates to boost troop morale! Put the heat on the enemy with your flamethrowers and have your medics tend to your soldiers! Take up the guns and earn your glory!
