Meet New People on Badoo

Join the largest location based social network for meeting people in the world!
The world's largest social network for meeting new people!
130 MILLION guys and girls already use Badoo to chat, date and meet up in their area.
Want to have lunch with someone new? See who's in the same nightclub? Date or find love? Or simply chat with someone nearby? Try Badoo now and meet new guys and girls near you! A free, fun, easy and new way to use social network. Find new people based on where you are now.
FREE to join and use!
* Top 10 app in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada,...
* 100,000 new users join daily
* 100% safe and secure, 100% location-based
* Meet guys and girls near you. Chat, date – up to you
* Use Badoo on your Android and computer
"I just arrived in New York from Brazil 2 weeks ago, and the Badoo app already helped me to meet cool people in my neighbourhood to practice my English. Superb!" Fabiana, 27
"I was on Badoo on the web but now I'm hooked on the Android version! Just perfect to meet mates" Paul, 22
"I found love on Badoo ;) Good app. I'd recommend it *****" Julia, 31

