
所有路線資料由運輸署的「香港乘車易」網站 提供。
1. 一站式多種公共交通工具搜尋功能,提供路線選擇和相關各站資料
2. 文字、分類選擇,全球定位功能和書籤輸入方式,設定出發地和目的地
3. 自選步行距離到上落客站
4. 日間和通宵服務類別路線搜尋
5. 按轉乘次數、收費、預計行程時間域擬乘搭的交通工具順序列出路線選擇
6. 地圖上顯示出發地、目的地、上落客站和轉車站的位置
7. 個別路線查詢服務
8. 特別服務路線
9. 交通消息
程式支援 OS 版本 2.3 或以上及屏幕顯示是 480 x 800 像素或以上。
即將支援平板裝置及屏幕顯示為 320 x 480 像素裝置。

This application provides one-stop service of point to point public transport route enquiry for pre-trip planning. The public transport services covered in this application include Mass Transit Railway, Light Rail Transit, Franchised Bus, Green Minibus, Ferry, Tram and Peak Tram, Cross Boundary Coach to Huanggang, Bus to Ma Wan and Discovery Bay. All the route information is provided from “Hong Kong eTransport” website of Transport Department.

Features include:
1. one stop multi-modal public transport services route search function to provide list of route choices with stop information;
2. Input the origin and destination by text, category, GPS and bookmarks methods;
3. walking distance to boarding and alighting stops
4. regular and overnight services route search
5. display in the order of the number of interchanges, fares, estimated journey time or preferred mode for route choices
6. display of origin and destination, boarding / alighting stops and transfer points on map
7. individual route search
8. special services route
9. traffic information

This App requires OS 2.3 or above and minimum display resolution 480 x 800 pixel.
This App will support tablet devices or devices with 320 x 480 pixel display resolution soon.

