Shark Dash


探索物理益智遊戲的全新基準!鯊魚跳是一款容易令人著迷的遊戲,利用獨特卡通樣式、星星形狀的浴室小玩具,進行物理益智挑戰,再創歡樂高峰! 小鯊鯊和他歡樂的玩具鯊魚夥伴在浴缸裡過著快樂的生活。但一群壞壞鴨的出現,破壞了他們和平又歡樂的小小世界。這些廉價粗俗的塑膠鴨,是由許多化學材質的小圈圈製成,現在他們卻對鯊魚們大肆嘲笑,還鳩佔鵲巢,霸佔鯊魚們的小天地!但是當壞壞鴨軍團綁架了小鯊鯊的女朋友鯊莉,這讓小鯊鯊和夥伴們的忍耐終於到了極限!在世界各地聰明狡猾的浴缸進行狂野冒險,解救鯊莉並擺脫愚蠢的壞壞鴨! 洗澡從來沒有這麼好玩過 • 精采刺激又容易上手的遊戲體驗:以手指拖曳並放開鯊魚尾巴,讓鯊魚攻擊壞壞鴨! • 解決掉所有壞壞鴨、拿走所有金幣,並儘量以最少跳躍次數通過每個關卡,獲得 3 顆星星!使用星星解鎖新關卡! • 上次表現不滿意?撤消前次操作,然後再試一次! 在世界各地的浴缸進行狂野冒險 • 在 96 個關卡中過關斬將,勇往直前,未來還有更多更新關卡等你來挑戰! • 探索 4 種不同的環境,從古羅馬到遙遠的日本幕府,任你挑戰! • 完成數萬個任務並解鎖許多成就! 認識最可愛的浴室小玩具 • 小鯊鯊是這群快樂塑膠鯊魚的英雄和無所畏懼的領袖 • 小鋸鋸的無敵鋸子鼻,可切斷所有鐵鍊,還能發射重物攻擊那些卑鄙的壞壞鴨 • 小火腿的跳擊技巧,能以不可思議的軌道,跳躍到空中攻擊壞壞鴨 • 史酷比是小鯊鯊的雙胞胎兄弟,個性冷靜沉穩,可潛至深海對付潛伏在海底的壞壞鴨 拿到足夠的金幣,就能利用酷炫新潮的皮膚,為你的鯊魚打造全新造型!

 Discover the new benchmark for physics puzzle games! Shark Dash is a highly addictive game that takes the physics puzzler to fun new heights with a unique cartoonish style starring funny little bath toys! Sharkee and his merry band of toy sharks were living happily in the bathtub. That is, until a bunch of mischievous ducks came along to ruin their peaceful little world. These cheaply-made rubber duckies are a little loopy from the chemicals they are made of, and now they’re teasing the sharks, playing pranks like they owned the place! But when the ducks kidnap Sally, Sharkee’s girlfriend, that’s when Sharkee and his buds have had enough! Join a wild journey to tricky bathtubs around the world, save Sally and get rid of the dimwitted ducks! BATH TIME HAS NEVER BEEN THIS FUN • Amazingly accessible gameplay: Simply drag and release the shark’s tail with your finger to launch him at the ducks! • Dispose of the duckies, grab all the coins, and finish each level with the fewest jumps possible to earn 3 Stars! Use your Stars to unlock new levels! • Not happy with your last shot? Undo it and try it again! A WILD JOURNEY IN BATHTUBS ALL OVER THE WORLD • Make your way through 96 levels with more to come in future updates! • Visit 4 different environments, from ancient Rome to distant Japan! • Complete tons of missions & unlock loads of achievements! MEET THE MOST ADORABLE BAND OF BATH TOYS • Sharkee, the hero and fearless leader of the merry band of plastic sharks • Sawy, whose incredible saw nose can cut chains and drop heavy objects on those dastardly ducks • Hammy, who uses his Jump Slash skill to leap through the air and hit ducks from incredible trajectories • Scuby, Sharkee’s twin brother, a calm and meditative toy who likes to swim through the watery depths to take out duckies wherever they hide Grab enough coins and you can upgrade the appearance of your sharks with cool new skins!
