FeedR News Reader (RSS WIDGET)

Powerful feed reader for use with or without Google Reader.
Search & preview feeds; read offline with images, mobile view, customizable interface.
News reader for RSS/Atom feeds equipped with Feed Search and other great features. Simply search for keywords or site name (e.g. 'sports news' or 'cnn'), tap the result to preview, add and enjoy!
* Expandable list allows to read articles without leaving the list as well as read only articles that interest you
* Feed Search with Preview will allow you to build your feed library quickly and easily
* Offline reading with images (configured per feed) ensures that you can read even when not connected
* Google Reader sync (use with your device's default Google account or enter alternative credentials)
* One-click access to "mobilized" version of article for faster/easier web browsing
* Ability to view article comments and subscribe to comments feeds
* Widgets and shortcuts on home screen
* 3 widget sizes: 4x1, 4x2 and 4x3
* Each widget can be configured to rotate through selected feeds at set interval or manually
* Choose between dark or light theme
* Customizable storage, update frequency, notifications, etc.
* Backup/restore to SD
* Full-screen view with swipe to next or previous article
* Zoomable view with pinch-to-zoom
* Supports adding articles to ReadItLater
Note: To use widgets please install the app to internal memory, not SD. (You can still store your feeds on SD via the option in Settings)
