
Best Audio Managing app, with over 2 million downloads!

Featured by "Best Android Apps" Book by O'Reilly as Best Audio Management App in Android.

Audio Manager is a home-screen Widget and Volume manager that allows you to get live readings of your current volume levels on your Android phone. Tap on the widget to adjust the volume levels.

Don't forget to check out the fully featured AudioManager Pro in the Android Market. Some of the features in Pro include:

★ Over 100 widget skins available through the Android Market
★ Two widget sizes available (large 4x1 and small 2x1)
★ Save Audio Profiles (presets)
★ Rename, Edit or Delete Profiles (presets)
★ Create profile shortcuts
★ Built-in Scheduler to automatically apply your presets whenever you want.
★ Restore ringer mode feature.
★ Fully optimized for Android tablets
★ Available in over 10 different languages
★ Create and publish your own skins using the Skin Development Kit
★ AudioManager Plug-in available for Locale and Tasker users

We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to help us improve our products. Visit our website and don't forget to check out our other apps in the market.

於 O'Reilly 出版的 "Best Android Apps" 一書中被評選為Android最佳音訊管理程式。
別忘了來Android Market看看完整功能的AndioManager Pro,在Pro版本中包含某些功能如下:
★ 在Android Market上有超過100個小工具面版可供下載
★ 支援兩種小工具的尺寸 (大型 4x1 and 小型 2x1)
★ 可儲存您自訂的音訊配置
★ 更名、編輯與刪除音訊配置
★ 建立音訊配置的桌面捷徑
★ 內建時間排程器可依照您自訂的時間自動套用音訊配置
★ 可回復至原來的鈴聲模式
★ 支援超過十種以上的語言
★ 可利用面版開發套件(Skin Development Kit) 建立與發佈您專屬的AudioManager面版
★ AudioManager提供擴充套件給 Locale 與 Tasker 的使用者
★ 自動更新與回復功能讓您不會遺失您的設定與音訊配置 (請注意這並不支援所有的Android裝置)
★ 同時支援音訊配置的手動備份與回復
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