
3 Kingdoms TD是一款以中國歷史上著名的三國時代為故事背景的獨特的塔防 Android 遊戲。 玩家將要在遊戲中扮演劉備勢力,帶領蜀國五虎上將,經歷幾十場經典的戰役。 在遊戲中,你需要通過合理的佈置兵將來防禦你的陣營。 此外,你也可以通過升級自己的兵將、裝備武器、使用武將技能來贏得戰場上的優勢。 在大規模的關卡地圖中,擁有不同特色的敵軍會不斷的出現,一切都依靠你的智慧和策略! 這是一款可以讓你殺的天昏地暗的TD遊戲! 合理佈置五種防禦塔,並讓武將協助你防禦敵人瘋狂的進攻,保衛城池不被擊破! 濃郁的中國風遊戲背景,搭配可愛逗趣的嘻哈畫風,給你全新的視覺體驗!
*各種不同的武將技能,分別對應其不同的特殊功能以及超華麗特效。 武將除了AI會自動追擊敵人之外,並可讓玩家指定攻擊對象來進行遊戲的策略運用。
*2種遊戲模式、4個以三國時期真實戰役為背景的經典關卡任你自由挑戰! 雪地、沙漠、草地等不同地形的關卡各具特點,還會出現各個不同的強大BOSS。

* Follow us on twitter: http://twitter.com/3KTD*
A classic tower defense game with a brand new twist of “Hero” gameplay. Your favorite hero will ride out with you onto the classical epic three kingdoms’ battlegrounds. See him ride, cut, slash and cast on hundreds of enemy waves and aid him by building five different types of defense towers with distinctive powers. Show those enemies this is YOUR turf. The battle is on NOW!!

The Hot Sh*t:
* A perfect combination of when east meets west, with a polished tower defense execution and a stylized hip-hop presentation that for sure will blow your mind away!
* Your Hero will pursue down any enemies on sight or you can just order him to whack anyone that you pleased, and if this is not enough for you, each Hero has his own unique perks that require you to just drag and cast onto your foes.
* Groovy and funny characters with unique moves that would make you LOL!
* Two game modes and four classic levels awaiting for your challenge!
* Level design with different geographical elements, including snow, dessert, grassland and jungle.
* Purchase new weapons, armors, rides and gears for your Hero in the game for a better, stronger and exciting battle! That’s how 3KTD riders roll!
