Horror Run

瘋狂奔跑Horror Run是一款上癮的側滾動作類游戲,類似奔跑躲避類 android 遊戲,故事講述在一個充滿恐怖的廢棄墓地旁,要求角色不斷向前跑,可以蹲下翻滾或跳躍躲避途中的骷髏怪物(左邊的骷髏是跳躍,右邊的是翻滾),直到達到目的地,花費的時間越短,得分越高!

Horror Run is a an addicting side scrolling action game. You assume the role of a damsel in distress who was abandoned in a haunted graveyard. You need to survive all the horrors in your path while collecting as many treasures as possible - The goal is to score the highest number of points before the enemies get you!

