
正點工具箱為你的Android手机帶來——更快的运行速度,更長的電池待機時間,更方便的程序管理器,更安全的隱私保護,更貼心的睡眠時間免打擾,更便捷的桌面開關! 你是否有手機待機時間太短的困擾? 你是否是【非上網吃到飽】用戶,卻沒有電信業者通知你傳輸量已超過上限? 你是否有在休息時間卻被來電打擾的經歷? 你是否害怕私人私密資料被無意洩露? 你是否有智慧型手機運行速度越來越慢,內存越來越少的問題? 你是否希望有一個簡單明了的軟體可以幫你解決這些問題,又省下安裝一堆軟體的麻煩? *****超過1,000,000人共同使用***** Android手機上最新最好的系統管理、優化加速工具集,風靡海外的神器,XDA論壇五星評價! 100%延長手機待機時間;監控系統流量電量,清理系統緩存,手機歷史痕跡,為系統加速;鎖定程序,短訊,通信錄,保護重要隱私。睡眠設置免打擾時間段,定時開啟,關閉飛行、靜音。防止手機輻射和短信、電話打擾; 同時配備強大的桌面開關工具,便捷管理愛機! ! 功能介紹: ★桌面插件:一鍵開關WiFi|飛行模式|調整亮度|鈴聲音量|重力感應|藍牙|同步|2G\3G\4G|移動網絡|程序鎖|GPS定位|APN開關\切換|手電筒| 殺進程 ★電量管理:查看剩餘電量、電池可用時間; ★一鍵省電:低電量時自動彈窗提示,一鍵省電隨時切換。關閉wifi,GPS,藍牙,調低手機屏幕亮度,等,大幅提高電池待機時長。 ★流量統計:統計當日、本週、本月已用2G/3G/4G流量,設置包月上限,手動校對流量數據,查看具體流量使用詳情; ★免打擾:設定日期和時段,自動開啟靜音、振動、飛行模式; ★App鎖:鎖住Gmail,短信,facebook,twitter,QQ等重要程序、通訊錄保護個人隱私; ★任務管理:殺進程為手機提速,更有多種自動殺進程選項,輕鬆提高手機運行速度。 ★歷史痕跡清理:清理(瀏覽器歷史記錄,市場搜索記錄,Google地圖搜索歷史,Gmail搜索記錄,剪貼板數據。) ★軟件卸載:輕鬆卸載單個或批量軟件,操作方便簡潔。 ★軟件移動:移動軟體到SD卡(APP2SD,ApptoSD),每當有新的可移動軟件時自動發送通知,不可移動軟件列表清晰明了 ★緩存清理:一鍵清理緩存,可以設置自動緩存清理,無需每天動手,就可以輕鬆實現系統瘦身。

ZDbox will helps you to get more free internal phone storage space,more quikly phone running speed, extend your battery life ,protect your individual privacy.improve your sleeping quality,give you more beautiful and useful widgets. ZDbox is an amazing all-in-one toolbox. Five stars in xda forum. ZDbox is an amazing and free all-in-one toolbox. It holds a collection of useful tools and has a nice and easy to use interface. With ZDbox you’re getting your mobile/cell phone under control, do easily some optimization and customize it to your needs. An essential tool which you will love! ★ Widgets: Keep screen always on, kill all tasks, WiFi on/off, airplane mode on/off, brightness adjustment, sound settings, rotate screen on/off, bluetooth on/off, start/stop sync, switch between 2G/3G/4G, app lock on/off, GPS on/off, APN on/off (mobile access point), flashlight on/off Battery: Monitoring and showing lots of information about remaining battery time, temperature, health, time since last boot, necessary time until full charge and so on one tap power saver :click battery saving button to turn Battery saving mode on/off. Turn off Battery saving mode to resume the previous mobile status before battery saving. ★ Traffic counter: Monthly/daily mobile data usage overview, shows remaining data traffic, detailed data usage information for each app. ★ Do not disturb: Just set days and the time when you need your privacy and you won’t be disturbed by your phone. Set phone to silent, vibration or airplane mode. ★ App lock: Protect apps with a password or pattern, for exmaple your contacts, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp,Gmail and so on ★ Task killer: Kill all apps at once, define protected apps which won’t be killed, set auto kill when screen gets locked, mark single or multiple apps to kill ★ history eraser:clean your(Browser history,market search history,Google Map search history,Gmail search history,Clipboard) ★ Notification bar: One tap on the bar shows remaining battery time, running apps, how much data traffic is left and if app lock is active or not. A tap on these informations starts ZDbox. ★ Uninstaller: Shows used/available internal and SD card memory. Apps can be easily uninstalled. Single or multiple (batch) uninstall possible. ★ App to SD: Move apps to your SD card. Single or multiple (batch) move possible. Only for Android 2.2 and 2.3. ★Cache Cleaner:With Cache Cleaner you can clean your cache of phone.protect your secret without a trace.
