
CI Mobile 提供一種快速而簡便的方式讓您使用中華航空手機服務,可方便且即時地取得您所需要的資訊。
中華航空為提供旅客更優質的服務,打造全新的行動應用系統CI Mobile,除全新的操作介面外,更增加了預辦登機功能,現在您可直接在Android手機上辦理報到、選位以及下載二維條碼,憑此條碼可至桃園、松山或高雄機場自助報到機領取登機證。 讓您的登機流程更加的省時便利。
CI Mobile 提供一種快速而簡便的方式讓您使用中華航空手機服務,可方便且即時地取得您所需要的資訊。CI Mobile 下載服務將包括:

CI Mobile is a quick and convenient access to the China Airlines Mobile services. Experience the latest and best version of the official CI Mobile app, Which offers;

˙TimeTable : Provide customer with the most update China Airlines Flight Schedule.

Flight Status : Two types of search functions to provide customer with the most current status on China Airlines flights.

˙ DFP Membership information: DFP Members may access their mileage status and DFP related information.

˙ Promotions: The latest promotions from China Airlines, including Dynasty Package, Dynasty Frequent Flyer Program and e-Booking.

˙ E-Check In: Passengers may use this function to check-in China Airlines international flights 3-24 hours prior to departure.

˙ Reservation Contact: Providing service phone number of CI branch offices in Taiwan.

Travel Channel : Designated page on Facebook for China Airlines to provide travel tips and destination information.

