GO Email Widget

★Multi-Account is supported now!★ Are you still worried about missing your important emails? Are you still searching for a simple and useful email app? Now you have GO Email Widget. Once you have it, you can just send/receive emails directly on your screen. Absolutely no need to open any email app! GO Email Widget supports most of the popular email boxes in the world. It provides you a fast and simple way to configure your account. You can do everything you want just like how you do it in any email app. To make it work, you must install the latest version of GO Launcher EX which is the most popular home launcher in Android Market. If you have install the beta version of the Email Widget, Please uninstall it first before you install the V1.0. Available Size: - 4×4 Actions: - Send/Receive emails - Support POP3/IMAP - Download/Send Attachment - Change Themes How to add GOWidgets on your home screen? -Long press on your home screen in GO Launcher, press the GOWidget option and choose the widget you like. Make sure you have enough room for the widget. How to set the Yahoo Email? -You should Manual setup your account. -If you choose the IMAP,please enter the "android.imap.mail.yahoo.com" in the IMAP sever -If you choose the POP3,please enter the "pop.mail.yahoo.com " in the POP3 server

 GO 郵箱小部件是一款基於GO桌面的工具類應用,支持目前市面主流郵箱的郵件收發 還在擔心錯過了某人的郵件嗎?還在為找不到一款合適的郵箱客戶端而苦惱嗎? GO 郵箱小部件讓您直接在桌面上就可以輕鬆收發郵件,無需打開任何郵件客戶端。 GO 郵箱小部件是一款基於GO桌面的工具類應用,支持目前市面主流郵箱的郵件收發。同時該小部件還能快速自動幫您進行配置郵箱,簡單快捷的操作讓您輕鬆處理郵件! 你需要先安裝最新版本的GO桌面才能使用該小部件。 如果您已經安裝了郵箱的測試版本,請先卸載測試版本,再安裝正式版本 支持大小: - 4×4 支持操作: - 收發郵件 - 自動收取新郵件 - 替換皮膚 - 添加/下載附件 怎樣添加GO桌面小部件? - 長按GO桌面屏幕上的空白位置,點擊GO桌面小部件,再選擇你想要添加的小部件。添加前請確保當前屏幕有足夠的空間擺放小部件 Yahoo郵箱配置:請在手動設置的過程中填入對應的IMAP服務器或者POP3服務器,具體內容如下: imap協議:android.imap.mail.yahoo.com pop3協議:pop.mail.yahoo.com 端口都只用SSL類型 STMP配置:android.stmp.mail.yahoo.com 端口只能用SSL/TSL 關鍵詞: GO Launcher EX, GOWidget, GO桌面,郵箱,163,qq,gmail,通信 3G門戶旗下產品 手機登錄3G.cn Copyright © 2004-2012版權所有
