
Snapbucket is the fastest, easiest way to edit & share your photos!
Editing your photos just got more fun and way easier!
With Snapbucket by Photobucket, take a picture with your phone's camera, edit it using the built-in cool effects to create a picture that pops, and share it with anyone in your social network! It’s the easiest way to snap a picture, style it YOUR way, and share it with friends. Create a work of art - Snap, Style and Share your photos wherever you’re at, all with your mobile phone!
Once installed, you can get started right away snapping photos. As you go, add fun filter effects to your images and even create YOUR OWN filter sets to truly express yourself! It’s quick, fun and easy to use, and once done, you can share your creation using Facebook, Twitter and your Photobucket albums.
Here’s some of the cool features you get with Snapbucket:
* “Retro,” “Lomo,” “Sunrise,” and “’70s” - just a few of the many awesome sets you can use to style your photos.
* Over 9500 combinations of sets are available.

* Choose from individual filters, effects, vignettes, and frames to style your photos your way.
* Create YOUR OWN unique filter sets and brag about them to friends.
* Show off your stylin’ skills by sharing with friends to Photobucket, Facebook, or Twitter.
* Unlock new effects the more you use Snapbucket, and get filters that’ll make your friends green with envy!
* Your original photo is safe on Photobucket, so don’t worry – go crazy with styling!
Get it now and see what Lifehacker, Mashable, Phandroid, Appscout, Socialtimes, Techland, Venturebeat and all the rest are raving about! Photobucket editing is now mobile – so Snap, Style, and Share!

