Call Monitor

A Call Monitor to prevent over call/sms usage
"Call Monitor"紀錄通話資料,計算每月已使用的通話分鐘,警示用量。
- 計算每月通話分鐘,每次通話以分鐘計
- 數據按月計算,自行設定每月截數日
- 撥出和接聽都納入計算通話分鐘
- 統計當月的撥出、接聽和未接聽
- 由於短訊可能收費,所以統計sms用量,顯示發送多少網內和網外的短訊
- 統計當月聯絡次數最多的朋友
- 按下朋友的名稱或電話號碼便可直接撥打電話給朋友
- 提供"心連心"免費分鐘功能
- 設定"心連心"朋友時,你可以自行輸入電話號碼或通過電話簿選擇加入該朋友為"心連心"
- 儲存"心連心"朋友列表(以csv檔案形式儲存,列出朋友名稱和電話號碼)
- 從csv檔案導入"心連心"朋友列表
- 設定自動檢查通話紀錄並設定間隔時間,以便更準確反映當前使用量
- 設定月用量提醒功能,當月用量超標時,以notification形式提示
- 提供widget,桌面顯示當月通話用量
- 檢視最多3個月的通話紀錄
- 支援繁體,簡體和英文三種語言
"Call Monitor" counts the number of calls/sms, records the minutes for each call, and prevent over use of calls and sms.
- call minutes are calculated in a monthly basis
- statistics of call in, call out and missed
- SMS count: inbox count, outbox count divides into basic and same carrier counts
- most contacted friends of the month (call your friend by touching its name or phone number)
- "same carrier free" minute of a month: A and B use the same carrier\'s service, their calling minute will be free to some extent, and will be counted only the "free" minute runs out.
- set "same carrier free" member list: either add by entering phone number or add through the contact list
- export "same carrier free" member list as a csv file
- import "same carrier free" member list (name,number) csv file format
- set "check call" period so that the counter and stats are more accurate and realistic
- receive notifications when monthly limit is reached
- a widget is provided to display the usage
- a history of max 3 months call log is provided
- it supports 3 languages: English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese

