WorldScope Webcams

有了Worldscope Webcams 你可以查看天氣、訪問陌生的地方或查看世界各地超過16000 個的攝像頭。這個程序讓人吃驚的地方就在與你可以足不出戶的查看任何你想看的地方,不用任何簽證或飛行。世界各地的16000 個攝像頭就握在你的手裡,無窮無盡的地方隨意你瀏覽。
將你所看到的保存在 SD 卡中;
分享你喜歡的地點到Facebook,Flickr,Picassa 或其他社交媒體。

With Worldscope Webcams you can view the weather, visit foreign places, or just spy the world with more than 16,000 webcams from around the world.

This app is amazing if you’re homesick, want to check on an old vacation spot, or want to travel for free without flying and carrying a passport. You have access to more than 16,000 webcams in the palm of your hand. The choices are endless of places to visit!

One of the best features is setting a favorite webcam as your screen’s background. You can also group a few of your favorite webcams and set to rotate; watch the pics rotate and the land changes throughout the day!
