
慶祝寶寶巴士用戶突破600萬,Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)的所有iPhone以及Android產品都將免費,本產品已經免費。
小技巧:在搜索框裡面輸入sinyee或者寶寶巴士可以檢索到Baby Bus的所有產品。
寶寶學ABC是一款專門針對0-6歲寶寶設計的啟蒙教育軟件,不僅有助於學齡前兒童的啟蒙認知,還能訓練寶寶小手臂和手眼協調能力。軟件通過有趣的卡丁車遊戲和生動的字母童謠吸引寶寶注意力。寶寶可以幫助可愛的熊貓控制卡丁車來吃字母一路闖關得分,還可以和熊貓一起彈吉他輕鬆學習字母歌... ...從視覺聽覺觸覺三方面入手,讓寶寶在遊戲娛樂中輕鬆認知。

Congradulation to Babybus! The number of users has exceeded 6 millions.

All our products of iPhone and Android will be free ,this product is free now .
Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.

Baby Learning ABC, a series from Baby Bus, is an educational software suitable for infants from 0 up to 6 years of age. This well designed software helps develop preschool children's cognition and train a baby's small arms and hand-eye coordination. Our application attracts the children's attention through funny kart game and vivid ABC Song. Children can help the cute panda to control the kart, eat the letter, also can play the guitar with panda to learn the letter...Our application combines the sound, sight and touch, which enables children to learn easily through this fun game.

