
慶祝寶寶巴士用戶突破600萬,Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)的所有iPhone以及Android產品都將免費,本產品已經免費。
小技巧:在搜索框裡面輸入sinyee或者寶寶巴士可以檢索到Baby Bus的所有產品。
寶寶塗吧是Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)系列軟件,旨在通過輕鬆的玩樂加深0-6歲寶寶對顏色理解。遊戲中寶寶可以通過顏色的變化控制紅綠燈讓熊貓過馬路,並給喜愛的事物塗色,還可以將自己的傑作保存到相冊中。簡單的操作、可愛的畫面、輕鬆活潑的音樂以及隨心所欲地發揮想像力和創造力的空間都極大地吸引了寶寶,塗塗點點間就能提高寶寶的綜合素質和水平。
全新推出的baby bus產品寶盒更是整合了Baby Bus 系列軟件,除了寶寶塗吧,更能一鍵下載到其他更多的寶寶認知產品,使寶寶認知更全面。現在免費下載寶寶塗吧我們還將在baby bus寶盒中贈送給您精美的彩色故事書“烏鴉喝水”。趕快下載吧!
建議家長陪同寶寶一起玩樂有助於促進親子教育,Baby Bus系列還有更多其他的產品……

Congradulation to Babybus! The number of users has exceeded 6 millions.All our products of iPhone and Android will be free , this product is free now.
Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.

Baby Painting is a series of Baby Bus, designed to make the 0-3 year-old play with easy to achieve understanding of color. By painting the baby to control traffic lights to guide Panda to cross the road. According to their preferences in different colors decorated the small bedroom, baby can give their favorite pictures coloring, you can also save your masterpiece to the album. Simple operation mode, lovely picture, lively music, free to play space for imagination and creativity are greatly attracted the babies, Painted it Baby help to improve the overall quality of the baby.

The new product box names Baby Bus, Integrates all apps of Baby Bus. Except “Baby painting”, you also can download any other apps about the cognitive of baby. It can make the cognitive of baby more comprehensive.

Now download “Baby painting”, we will send you a beautiful story book names” Crow Drinking” in Baby Bus. Download Now!

