
最刺激的接雞蛋遊戲。完全免費。你必須有足夠快的反應才能接住全部接蛋,賺取金幣,購買合適的裝備,可以幫助你度過更多關卡。千萬不要讓黑色的炸彈掉到地上,否則遊戲結束。你將通過open feint平台與全世界的玩家競爭排名,取得成就。

Catch the eggs, one of the most exciting game. ALL FREE. You must be quick enough to catch all the eggs and earn gold, you must buy proper items with your gold. Never let the black bomb break, or you will game over. You get high score and unlock achievement and then compete with friends from all over the world on open feint.

