
慶祝寶寶巴士用戶突破600萬,Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)的所有iPhone以及Android產品都將免費,本產品已經免費。
小技巧:在搜索框裡面輸入sinyee或者Baby Bus可以檢索到Baby Bus的所有產品。
寶寶釣魚是Baby Bus(寶寶巴士)啟蒙教育產品中系列中的一款專門為0-6歲寶寶量身打造的啟蒙認知軟件。這款軟件有助於提高學齡前兒童對海底魚類的基本認知,能夠訓練寶寶的眼力和手臂的協調能力。產品中豐富可愛的圖片,美麗的海底世界為寶寶展示了生活在海洋中的各種魚類,體型龐大的大鯊魚、嬌小可愛的熱帶魚、噴毒霧的水母、、、都大大的吸引了寶寶對大自然的熱愛。寶寶的任務就是用小手指點擊魚兒來幫助可愛的熊貓釣魚,並認識各種魚類。
建議家長和寶寶一起玩,有助於促進親子教育,Baby Bus系列還有其他更多的產品……

Congradulation to Babybus! The number of users has exceeded 6 millions。All our products of Iphone and Android will be free , this product is free now.

Tips:In the search bar,enter "sinyee"or "Baby Bus",you can find all of our products.

Baby Fishing is a series of Baby Bus, this is a kind of software of enlightenment education for 0 years old to 6 years old baby, The software helps improve preschool baby's basic knowledge of sea fish, can training baby small arms and training hand-eye coordination. Our product owns so rich and lovely pictures ,beautiful background,to show a variety of fish in the ocean for the baby,There are the giant shark,a cute tropical fish,and the jellyfish which can spray poisonous and so on,are greatly attracted the baby love of nature. The task of baby is to click on the fish with pinkie finger,to complete the fishing task and understand a variety of fish .The baby will fall in love with this kind of easy, simple cognitive game.
Leading in TOP level product experience and advanced preschool education concepts
-Click the pictures and hear visual voice
-Select elegant pictures carefully.
-Extremely simple operating mode
-Easy and lively music
-Big pictures, easy click

