小行星2012年 3D

小行星2012年免費 D - 在3D改造的一個經典,您上次多久...
升級及獲得 OpenFeint的排行榜,成就和刪除的廣告! http://goo.gl/N6oui
AppScore說:“如果你喜歡玩作為一個年輕人的小行星,那麼你一定會喜歡此相適應,圖像和聲音真的添加到遊戲的陰森恐怖的感覺,簡單的控制必將讓你心驚肉跳小時。” 9 / 10 - http://app-score.com/asteroid-2012/
iPhoneGamerUK說:“令人驚嘆的圖形和一些史詩般的音樂,並在遊戲中的聲音,但更重要的是它是一個真正的樂趣和令人上癮的所有時間的經典小行星爆破射手適應。那些原愛和那些只是愛爆破S ***並在同一時間的樂趣。“ 4.5 / 5 - http://www.iphonegameruk.co.uk/asteroid2012review.htm
AndroidTapp說:“小行星2012年,是一個極好的老學校遊戲的經典之作的新發展。擁有美麗的圖形,史詩般的聲音,並強迫遊戲,遊戲是一個忠實的新版本,不破壞反正專營權。如果你是好風扇太空射擊遊戲,這會不會讓人失望。“ 4.5 / 5 - http://www.androidtapp.com/asteroid-2012/
PlayAndroid說:“簡單地驚人 ... ...一個真正美麗的遊戲!配樂陰森恐怖,電影和大氣的控制圓滑和崇高的...直觀的控制和漂亮的圖形將保持甚至打你的更新到達之前... ...” 24/30 - http://www.playandroid.com/blog/review-reloaded-asteroid-2012/
小行星2012年3D - 作為空間軍校學生安東尼 Taringo,您已發送的使命,以避免2012年的瑪雅災難。只有你的脈衝炮和任何其他物品,你可以選擇一路上你的頭進入太空,破壞即將到來的小行星衝擊 ... ...
在全3D設置“復古 3D模式”使用您的手機或平板加速度,傾斜,扭曲,轉而用自己的方式拍攝 OpenFeint的高分!!進入深空發送的,它是你的使命飛入伽瑪象限,並摧毀迎面而來的小行星帶 ... ...
從來沒有感到如此孤獨在你的生活,由一個廢棄的空間站停留,你必須清楚他們的最終路徑和地球的完全毀滅的太空岩石... ...
你以為你是單獨的,打自己的方式,通過明星在一個永無止境的戰爭 ... ...使用脈衝炮粉碎成更小的小行星和有用功率的UPS,可以挽救你的皮膚保持的眼睛了... ...
“小行星遊戲的未來就在這裡,構建良好的遊戲,圖像和聲音是美妙和控制工作與我的iPad 2。必須有小行星球迷”
“這簡直是驚人的 - 我愛它是驚人的圖形和遊戲 rulez有些人會喜歡舊的投幣式經典 nosalgia,別​​人一定會喜歡它只是CUZ它是如此真是太出色了!”
“新復古性質的簡單化 - 這個遊戲!划痕復古癢皮尤研究中心皮尤激光鐳射的方式,並不讓我覺得自己老了”
小行星2012年免費 D沉浸到深空,並提供圖形控制台質量。
請:添加您的評分或評論 - 它將使我們更清楚地說明了你喜歡什麼,不喜歡我們的遊戲!
HTC轟動,摩托羅拉 Droid仿生
UPGRADE & GAIN OPENFEINT LEADERBOARDS, ACHIEVEMENTS & remove the adverts! http://goo.gl/N6oui

Latest Reviews
AppScore said "If you loved playing Asteroid as a youngster then you’ll love this adaptation. The graphics and sounds really add to the eerie feeling of the game and the simple controls will definitely keep you gripped for hours." 9/10 - http://app-score.com/asteroid-2012/

iPhoneGamerUK said "Stunning graphics and some epic music and in game sounds but more importantly it's a really fun and addictive blasting shooter adaptation of the all-time classic Asteroids. One for those who loved the original and those who just love blasting s*** up and have fun at the same time." 4.5/5 - http://www.iphonegameruk.co.uk/asteroid2012review.htm

AndroidTapp said "Asteroid 2012 is a superb new development of the old school gaming classic. Featuring beautiful graphics, epic sound and compulsive gameplay, the game is a faithful new version which doesn’t ruin the franchise in anyway. If you are fan of good space shooting games, this will not disappoint." 4.5/5 - http://www.androidtapp.com/asteroid-2012/

PlayAndroid said "Simply stunning... A truly beautiful game! The soundtrack is eerie, cinematic and atmospheric. The controls are sleek and sublime... Intuitive controls and beautiful graphics will keep you playing even before the updates arrive..." 24/30 - http://www.playandroid.com/blog/review-reloaded-asteroid-2012/

Game Description
Asteroid 2012 3D - As space cadet Anthony Taringo you have been sent on a mission to avert the Mayan 2012 disaster. Using only your pulse cannons and whatever other items you can pick up along the way you head out into space to destroy the impending Asteroid onslaught...

Set in full 3D or 'Retro 3D Mode' use your Phone or Tablet accelerometer to tilt, twist, turn and shoot your way to an Openfeint High Score!! Sent into deep space it is your mission to fly into gamma quadrant and destroy the oncoming Asteroid belt...

Never have you felt so alone in your life, stuck out by an abandoned space station you must clear the space rocks from their ultimate path and Earth's total destruction...

Well you thought you were alone, fight your way through the stars in a never ending war... Use your pulse cannon to smash the asteroids into smaller pieces and keep an eye out for useful power ups that could save your skin...

User Reviews
"The future of Asteroid games is here with this well constructed game, the graphics and sound are fantastic and the controls work well with my iPad 2. A must have for asteroid fans"

"This is simply stunning - I love it! The graphics are amazing and the gameplay rulez! Some people will love this for the nosalgia of the old coin-op classic, others will love it just cuz it's so freaking awesome!"

"Graphics are great, UI is really cool and the giro control is nice and responsive making it a pleasure to play. All the good points from the original with a modern overhaul and major improvements."

"Enchanting graphics with an alluring soundscape. A quintessential retro classic pulled up by its bootstraps into the 3d world."

"Neo Retro. Simplistic in nature - this game scratches that retro itch in a way that doesn't make me feel old! Pew pew laser laser!"

Asteroid 2012 Free D immerses you into deep space and delivers graphics of console quality.

PLEASE:: Add your ratings or comments - it will give us a clearer indication of what you like and dislike about our game!

TAGS:: space, aliens, shooter, shoot em up, asteroid, arcade, classic, scifi, alien, shump, all your base

NOTE:: We have removed the game from the following devices due to issues with their current OpenGL drivers, we are awaiting news from the manufacturers that these issues have been resolved:

HTC Sensation, Motorola Droid BIONIC

