Youda Survivor

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對於所有戰略遊戲的粉絲來說,這將是史上最瘋狂的歷險!你能在最詭秘的島上生存並找到回家的路嗎?來《尤達倖存者》(Youda Survivor)試試吧,你有機會成為真正的魯賓遜!你必須向當地土著部落證明你能夠將他們從狡詐的海盜手中拯救出來,從而贏得他們的心。從部落中獲取擁有神秘力量的神奇物品;學習控制天氣的符咒,使用特殊機械,從而在征程中邁進。學習部落飲食的秘方、蒸煮強大的藥水,讓自己變得更加強大。向世人證明你擁有在任何環境、任何地方生存的強大毅力!
● 80 個引人入勝的關卡
● 5 種額外的力量:雨、風、閃電、鳥和猴
● 11 種奇異動物
● 快動作
● 令人激動的冒險
● 升級、獎勵和獎品
● 在荒蕪的小島中生存!

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For all real strategy games fans - the most frenzied adventure yet! Can you survive on a mysterious island as well as find your way back home? Try it out in Youda Survivor. Here is your chance to become a real Robinson Crusoe. You will have to win over the hearts of the native tribe by proving that you are the one person that can save them from cunning pirates. Obtain mystical tribal items with magical powers; learn rituals which you can use to control the weather and use special machines to advance in your quest. Learn the secrets of tribal diets and boil powerful potions to make you stronger. Prove that you have what it takes to survive anywhere and under any circumstances.
● 80 Amazing levels
● 5 Extra powers: rain, wind, lightning, birds and monkeys
● 11 Exotic animals
● Fast-paced action
● Exciting adventure
● Upgrades, bonuses and awards
● Survive a deserted island!

