
★★★★★ 寵物旅館 ★★★★★ 矮油!會叫的寵物摩天大樓神馬的最有愛啦!?
在這個遊戲裡, 充滿愛心的你將會建造和經營一所旅館。這個旅館非常奇妙, 在這裡將會聚集諸如小狗、鸚鵡、河馬、獅子王, 甚至神秘的小神龍等各種各樣的寵物房客。當它們的主人不在的時候會寄宿在你這裡, 由你來經營旅館並照顧這些可愛的客人們。經過努力, 你的旅館將會變得越來越豪華, 越蓋越高, 超越埃菲爾鐵塔, 超越台北101。
➭ 玩法:
你正在蓋一棟世界上獨一無二的寵物旅館, 用一間一間的房間將旅館建立起來, 聳入雲霄!建立不同的房間, 就會引來不同的動物住宿, 例如想要引來熊貓投宿的話, 就需要建立一個佈滿竹子的房間。當旅館達到一定的規模的時候, 你就可以解鎖更多的寵物來投宿。此外你還可以建造更多的個性化裝飾和設施來豐富你的旅館, 究竟你能否建立一間與眾不同的個性寵物旅館呢?這就看你的創造力了!
➭ 畫面:
遊戲畫面的可以用精緻和豐富來形容, 畫面風格採用了二維的卡通效果, 各種華麗的場景的交錯, 顏色的適當搭配, 絲毫不會讓人產生視覺疲勞.以小動物為主角使遊戲整體看起來既溫馨又可愛, 讓您愛不釋手。
➭ 音效:
★ 遊戲八大亮點 ★
▪ 超過八十多種不同的房間樣式、風格各異。
▪ 超過五十種形態各異的寵物等待著你解鎖。
▪ 你可以僱傭一些僱員來為你的寵物房客們服務。
▪ 你可以建造一些有趣的服務客房讓你的寵物們開心使用。
▪ 你可以在寵物的房間之間建造個性十足的連接裝飾。
▪ 房間每過一段時間都可以收取一定的金錢,你可以使用這些金錢來裝修你的旅館。
▪ 每升一個等級都會解鎖一隻或幾隻寵物哦,加油加油!看看你能夠收集多少張寵物卡片。
▪ 最讓人愛不釋手的是:每一隻寵物都會發出獨有的叫聲哦,喜歡Ta,就來聽聽Ta可愛的聲音。

★★★★★ Pet Hotel ★★★★★ Wow! It must be VERY adorable when an place has animals with sounds and skyscrapers!

Declaration of love! Ever think about offering a comfortable place for animals? Come and build a Pet Inn!

In your inn, you can treat many kinds of animals such as puppy, parrot, hippo, lion and some mysterious ones. The purpose of the inn is to take care of th... Read Moreem while their masters are away. Your inn can become more and more gorgeous to attract more animals. Also as the height becomes higher, you’ll always be the first to know what famous building it has surpassed.

★ How to play
Want a unique inn of your own style? Use your imagination and it all depends on you! The building and upgrading of your inn is a process of enhancing. What’s more, one type of room is specifically designed for one animal only, for instance, panda only will come when the special room for him is built. More rooms you shall have, higher levels you shall be, more money you can get from the pets that accommodate in the inn. Plus, you can hire staff to provide better service.

★ Visual effects:
Colorful and various backgrounds and figures. Create a totally warm and user-friendly atmosphere for the players.

★ Sound effects:
Stimulated animal sounds and background sounds; feels like being personally at the scene.

★ 8 fantastic features ★
▪ More than 80 types of rooms in various shape and size for your option.
▪ More than 50 different animals to unlock.
▪ Plenty of professional service staff to hire.
▪ Various fun rooms for animals to have better experience.
▪ Distinctive connectors to combine the rooms.
▪ Collect rent from rooms after a certain period of time, so you can upgrade the inn with more decorations.
▪ Unlock one or several new animals at each level. Compete with friends and see who can collect more animal cards.
▪ What’s more: enjoyable background music, and each animal has its unique stimulated sound.

