Panic Flight Booster Pack


係緊您的安全帶,開始一場“Panic Flight”! **購買“Panic Flight擴充包”,即可獲得300自由飛行積分 Panic Flight為您開啟無邊的探險之旅,您的反應能力——以及您的手指——將接受終極考驗!作為AMA航空公司機群的機長,您必須飛躍最遠的距離,將乘客安全送至目的地。但要一路小心!提防龍捲風、瘋狂追逐黃金的海盜飛機、具有破壞性的不明飛行物、以及其他種種威脅!您可隨意選擇飛機並對其進行升級​​。獨自飛越全球,或者在無限飛行模式下讓全世界領略您的飛行技能。 Panic Flight團隊祝您飛行愉快,邀請您到Panic Flight Facebook頁面,隨時了解計劃中的最新更新。 飛行愉快! 您的某項任務失敗了嗎?是旅途太長,還是您的飛機動力不夠?別再遲疑! “Panic Flight擴充包”幫助您輕鬆應對整個遊戲,同時附贈300自由飛行積分。 **Panic Flight 同時還是免費的: 特點: • 8架具有獨特性能、可多次升級的飛機 • 單人戰鬥模式:18項任務、遊戲內置旅程和迷你任務 • “無限飛行”模式,可通​​過Facebook和Twitter共享得分

 **Benefit from 300 free Flight Credits when you buy a Panic Flight Booster Pack Panic Flight takes you on an endless adventure where your reflexes - and your finger - are put to the ultimate test! As Captain of the AMA Airlines fleet, you must fly as far as possible and transport your passengers safely to their destination. But beware! Watch out for tornados, a crazy gold-chasing pirate plane, a destructive UFO and other hazards! Choose and upgrade your planes to fly at your convenience. Travel the globe on solo missions or let the whole world see your flying talents in infinite flight mode. The Panic Flight team wishes you a pleasant flight and invites you to check out the Panic Flight Facebook page to follow the news on the next content updates currently in production. Enjoy your flight! Is a particular mission defeating you? Is the quest too long, or your plane just not powerful enough? Don’t delay! The Panic Flight Booster Pack with 300 free Flight Credits will enable you to easily access the whole game. **Panic Flight is also free:
