全新 OpenRice Hong Kong 開飯喇

OpenRice is Hong Kong’s Most Popular Dining Guide You Can’t Miss!

- Comprehensive information with over 30, 000 restaurants and 550, 000 reviews
- Navigate the restaurants nearby with GPS
- Search for restaurants by using keyword, cuisine, district, type of restaurants, price range and other special features
- Over 100 offer discount coupons from various types of restaurants (include mobile coupons)
- Add Restaurant to Favorites
- Photo uploader

香港最受歡迎飲食資訊媒體OpenRice.com帶你食通全港!Android 手機用戶現在可以免費下載 OpenRice Android 應用程式,隨時輕鬆搜尋開飯好去處,更可即時拍下享用美食的片段,食到邊,share到邊!

- 超過30,000間餐廳及550,000篇食評,資料最多最齊
- 以GPS定位搜尋所在位置的附近餐廳
- 以關鍵字搜尋餐廳名稱、地址及招牌菜或以地區、菜式、食品、食店及價錢進行篩選
- 過100個餐廳優惠隨你享用 (包括毋需列印的流動優惠券)
- 自訂心水餐廳方便搜尋
- 隨時隨地分享美食相片
- 同時備有中英文版本

