UNIQLO WAKE UP is an innovative new social alarm app that aims to make waking up every day an enjoyable experience. The alarm music, which is automatically created based on the weather, time, and day of the week, was co-written by 51st annual Grammy nominee Cornelius (Keigo Oyamada) and Yoko Kanno, who is active in songwriting across a wide range of genres including video games and anime (COWBOY BEBOP, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Macross). The app allows users to share a record of their awakening – specifically, the time, weather, and temperature at the moment they stopped the alarm – via social media (Facebook, Twitter, RenRen, Weibo). In addition, the “wake up records” shared by users around the world are displayed in a part of the app entitled WORLD WAKE UP.

App Features
• Users can set an alarm.
• Users either select their location from a pull-down menu or allow the app to find their location using GPS. The app then displays the current weather and temperature.
• The alarm music changes according to the weather and reads out the time, day of the week, and the weather.
• The alarm music vocals are available in English and Mandarin Chinese.
• Users can share the time, weather, and temperature of when they wake up on Facebook, Twitter, RenRen, and Weibo.
• The information users share is displayed in the WORLD WAKE UP part of the app.
• The app background changes according to the day of the week.


“UNIQLO WAKE UP”的設計理念為“讓每天起床變得舒適愜意”,是一款創新的社交型鬧鈴應用。本應用可根據天氣、時間和星期幾的不同自動生成鬧鈴音樂。鬧鈴音樂由入圍第51屆葛萊美獎的CORNELIUS(小田圭吾)和在動畫(《COWBOY BEBOP》、《攻殼機動隊S.A.C》、《超時空要塞》)、遊戲等多個領域參與音樂創作的菅野洋子共同完成。此外,本應用還可將鬧鈴停止時的天氣、氣溫、時間等信息作為“起床記錄”,分享到各大社交平臺(Facebook、Twitter、RenRen、weibo)。全球用戶一起分享的“起床記錄”還將顯示在應用內的WORLD WAKE UP中。
・分享的信息將顯示在應用內的WORLD WAKE UP中。
