艾諾迪亞4 (Inotia 4)

Which side will you choose when the two forces rise again?
Inotia saga brought to the next level! 《Inotia 4》

Stride along with Kiyan, the Shadow Tribe's virtuoso, and Eara, the influential Channel of Light, in their fantasy adventure story.
With improved graphics and storyline from the previous series, get indulged in the battles against goblins, orcs, and more!

A new hero awaits to be released from his shadows, or not...in the all-new Inotian continent mobile RPG action game!

★Supports: English, 한국어, 日本語, 中文简体, 中文繁體.

■ Feature Highlights ■

- 6 Classes, 90 Skills
Choose from 6 classes; Black Knight, Assassin, Warlock, Priest, and Ranger.
15 different skills are added to each class. Combine all skills to customize your party's strategy.

- Convenient Party System
Mercenaries can be recruited to your party anytime and anywhere.
Once all mercenaries are recruited, 20 or more unique 'mercenary skills' will help you along your journey.

- One Of The Largest Mobile RPG Maps
Dry deserts and freezing snowfields, mysterious forests and dark dungeons...
400 maps with various themes to roam through!

- A Tragic Destiny and Other Schemes await the Shadow Assassin and the Channel of Light
A breathless chase-and-run story where the two heroes meet companions, enemies, and monsters; Be immersed in emotions as the darkness and light contradicts in force...
Enjoy a stronger, and better, scenario.

- Exclusive Sub-quests Ready To Be Unraveled
Enjoy other sub-quests in each region of the Inotian continent besides the main story.
As you accomplish the quests, you will get your hands on some extraordinary items.
Listen to stories of each villager and monster to unfold other mysteries.

- End of a Story means a Beginning of a New Journey: Infinite Dungeon for Hardcore Players
Cleared the whole story? Get ready to start a new one in Infinite Dungeon!
5 different memory layers will relocate you to a battle that was of your past...but different the next time.
Fight villains that are even more vicious and smellier than the main story, to become the ultimate master of Inotia!

★ 支援中文繁體★
此外還支持 English、本語、한글、中文简体等語言。
■ 遊戲特點 ■
▶ 多樣化的職業及技能!6大職業!90多種華麗的技能!
▶ 組隊系統得到大幅優化!隊伍管理更加簡便!
▶ 史無前例!手機RPG史上最龐大的地圖系統!
▶ 故事內容講述的是黑暗教團的刺殺者與光之聖女,及圍繞著他們的種種陰謀與悲傷地命運!
▶ 豐富的任務系統!千萬不要錯過任何一次與NPC的相遇!
▶ 劇情雖會結束!但冒險無止盡!為那些骨灰級RPG迷們準備的無限地下城!
跟那些只要通過全關就無事可做的舊式RPG說Good Bye!《艾諾迪亞4》為那些好戰分子們準備了總共由5層組成的無限地下城!真正具有挑戰性質的戰鬥現在才開始!比主線劇情更加刺激、兇險的無限地下城!拿出你的勇氣,去面對更多更兇猛的對手吧!

