
The story is based on the well known Chinese story – Xi You Ji (Journey to the West). “Wu BaJing” is an orphan found by "WuKong(Monkey King)", "Zhu BaJie", and "Sha WuJing" on their way to collect the Buddhist sutras. They discovered that “Wu BaJing” is a great material to learn martial arts, so they three all became his master, whom he would call “Shi Fu”. He is so talented that he has learned all of his three masters’ KungFu.When they start to advocate the Buddha’s scripture, there is something evil under the scripture that starts to pop up too….Can you handle that?


“悟八淨”是悟空、八戒、悟淨的嫡傳弟子,是在取經回程的路上所發現的孤兒,並由三人一起扶養長大。由於天資聰穎,很快的就學會三人的武學精髓,行走江湖闖出了點名堂。就在“玄奘”取回經書,開始四處弘揚佛法後,一股埋藏在經文裡的“負面能量”也悄悄的開始蠢蠢欲動。“玄奘“ 雖有意識到此能量的存在,卻對其無所防備。不久,千年難得一見的“紅月蝕” 出現在 “秦始皇陵” 上空。一陣雷聲畫破夜晚寧靜,沉睡千年的邪惡帝皇與其底下千千萬萬的陶俑惡魔們,就此甦醒!!
