Zombies Rising

★★★ Free This Week ★★★
A gorgeous screen, and style decisions based alternative to eliminate the game.

Time 2012 Location Miami, there is a more than Shanbengdelie decisions based on chronic erosion is more ferocious than the alien invasion of the more tricky

things, but also directly in the earth crisis on the list to beat all competitors to become a human gall chatter scared the number one killer! This sweeping

the world like a plague-like destruction king, this is the zombie family!

Game challenging, You need to put together the same zombies, but they have been in reducing life, all the zombies gathered is completed will be able to

complete the level.

The games are currently more than 40 checkpoints, very rich, there are a variety of styles of zombies in the game, you can find it? Night under Scream, how

can you miss?

★★★ How to play? ★★★
1, just swipe the mobile zombies.
2, when the same zombies together, they will disappear.
3, when all the zombies gather you on the victory!

★★★ 本週免費 ★★★
時間2012 地點邁阿密,有一種比山崩地裂更剽悍,比慢性侵蝕更兇猛,比外星入侵更不靠譜的東西,更是直接在地球危機排行榜上打敗所有競爭者,成為了讓人類膽顫心驚的頭號
★★★ 怎麼玩? ★★★
