Save the Puppies Premium

Find the lost dog babies and free them from their prison! Go on a great adventure and solve mind-bending puzzles in a colourful cartoon world populated by cats and dogs!

* Play without ads and with unlimited steps! *

✔ Addictive puzzle adventure with 100 levels
✔ Cute dog puppies
✔ Unlimited undo function
✔ Zoom function for perfect overview
✔ Challenging but always fair puzzles
✔ Unlockable solutions for all levels
✔ Facebook support to share highscores with your friends

The puppies have been kidnapped! Last night the dog-catcher came and took every last one of the sweet doggie babies in the neighborhood! Now they are being held captive at the city park’s most inaccessible locations! Find the little tykes and free them from their cages! Use your crazy power of sausage eating and grow into an enormously long wiener dog or shrink yourself to the size of a tiny Chihuahua! Only you can save the world... uh, the little canines.


找到失蹤的狗寶寶們,把它們從監禁中釋放出來! 到貓和狗居住的生動有趣的卡通世界裡來一趟精彩的冒險吧!把那些令人費解的謎題都解開吧!

* 您擁有無限量步伐不停歇地玩遊戲! *
* 遊戲中無廣告播放! *

✔ 令人沉迷的解謎百級闖關遊戲!
✔ 可愛的小狗狗
✔ 無限次的撤銷功能
✔ 縮放功能可以提供完美的概觀效果
✔ 儘管謎題極具挑戰性,但總是很公平的
✔ 所有關卡都配有可解決方案
✔ 該遊戲擁有面書網支持平臺,您可以與您的朋友共用高點數

小狗狗們被綁架了! 昨晚,捕狗員來了,把這一帶每一隻甜美的小狗寶寶們都抓走了! 它們現在被關在在城市公園最偏遠地方 ! 找到狗崽崽們,把它們從籠子裡放出來! 使用您吞食香腸的瘋狂力量,長成一隻體形超長的維也納狗,或者把自己縮小到奇瓦瓦小狗那麼大! 只有您才能拯救世界……啊!那些小狗狗們!
