香港海洋公園的精彩體驗已登陸Google Play Store,特點包括:
- 即時更新不同景點等候及表演時間,令您更有效率計劃行程!
- 最新海洋公園活動資訊,包括十月全城哈囉喂!
- 公園地圖以不同圖標分別顯示,景點一目了然!
- 下載最新優惠,電子優惠券即時入手!
- 公園交通指南及其他有用資訊!
Hong Kong’s premier theme park experience is now in Google Play Store! The official Ocean Park Hong Kong iPhone app is now released, key features including:
- Just a few clicks to get the showing time and waiting time for various attractions and shows, you could plan your visit in an efficient way!
- Latest update with Ocean Park’s latest events, including Halloween Bash 2012!
- Explore the park map with pins for your quick references!
- Discover the QR codes you found in Ocean Park and unlock the e-coupons!
- Transportation and other useful information of Ocean Park!
Stay tuned for more updates! Download now and plan ahead to make the most of your stay!