Nun Attack

Days have gone by uncounted since the power-thirsty Fallen Nun has taken over the mortal world, spawning evil all over. In a world where Evil is taking over and prayers are no longer answered, there is only one type of divine intervention left, and it's armed to death.Join the battle of light against darkness. Lead your squad to defeat the Fallen Nun and restore balance to the World in this epic tactical action game!Nun Attack delivers hours of hellish entertainment through exciting gameplay mechanics, intuitive touch screen controls and tongue-i​​n-cheek character dialogues! Explore multiple worlds, equip your nuns with the most badass arsenal, level them up and fend off waves of enemies and bosses, beating some holy into hundreds of demons.Not only do you get to play with bunch of nuns with guns, you ALSO get:- 4 characters to mess with, each with a unique personality and super power- 40 missions including multiple levels where you can experience more than 150 battles, 3 epic bossfights and a final, climatic face-off with the Fallen Nun- Over 80 different guns with various effects (Poison, Shock, Freeze, Burn, Stun, Slow, DOT, AoE, Knockback, Fear, and Charm)- 7 different evil-stomping miracles to cast while playing- A full shop to get things rocking!In a world where prayers are no longer answered, Evil is about to get cannonized嗜好權利的修女墮入凡間,四處播撒惡魔,從此掌管了俗世。在這個惡魔當道、天地不應的世界裡,人們度過了無數個日日夜夜。要改變現狀,只有一條路神聖可行——那就是武-裝到死。加入到光明對黑暗的戰鬥中去。在這史詩般的戰略動作遊戲中,帶領你的戰鬥小分隊打敗墮入凡間的修女,恢復世界平衡。Nun Attack擁有令人興奮的遊戲設置、配有直觀的觸屏控制,以及詼諧調侃的人物對話,能為玩家提供數小時地獄般刺激的娛樂!去探尋不同的世界,用最強大的兵械庫去武裝-你的修女,使其升級,躲避敵人和首領一波又一波的攻擊,將神聖之意灌輸到成百上千的惡魔中去。你不僅能操控一群帶槍的修女,還可以得到:•可供混合使用的4個角色。每個角色都擁有獨一無二的個性和超能力•40個任務,包括各個等級。其中,你可以經歷多達150場戰鬥、3場與首領的史詩之戰,以及與墮入凡間的修女的終極之戰•80多種槍支,特效各異(下毒、休克、冷凍、燃燒、昏迷、遲緩、持續傷害、範圍傷害、擊退、恐懼,以及符咒)•可在玩遊戲的同時,使用7種不同的惡魔跺腳奇蹟•物品豐富的商店,讓你目不暇接!

