Contre Jour

Blurring the lines between games and interactive art, Contre Jour welcomes you to a hauntingly beautiful world shaped by the interplay of light and darkness.Use your finger to morph the landscape, propelling the mysterious creature Petit to safety. Pull, swipe, and tap gadgets such as tendrils, air geysers, and pulleys to complete clever puzzles. Set to a poignant orchestrated soundtrack from composer David Ari Leon, Contre Jour both delights and bedevils from start to finish.
Contre Jour Highlights• 5 chapters featuring 100 unique levels, as well as 300 collectable lights, will have you playing for hours and hours.• Use extremely intuitive controls to change the environment around you.• 12 different interactive elements to master; portals, slingshots, tentacles, blowers and more.• Stunning visual style places Contre Jour in a league of it's own – simply one of the most beautiful games of the year.• Rich, organic and original soundtrack by David Ari Leon perfectly matches Petit's journey. Get some headphones and lose yourself in the world of Contre Jour.• Unlock a variety of achievements as you play, can you find them all?改變景觀,幫助神秘小傢伙Petit安全抵達目的地。《黑暗旅行》(Contre Jour)將把您帶入一個光影交織,讓人流連忘返的絕美世界,此作堪稱遊戲與互動藝術的完美交集。在遊戲中,運用手指改變景觀,幫助神秘小傢伙Petit安全抵達目的地。通過拖拉,滑動和触碰一些小道具,如觸角、噴氣口和滑輪等來智勇闖關。 《黑暗旅行》(Contre Jour)的背景音樂由作曲家David Ari Leon創作完成,玩家由始至終將置於快樂魅惑的氛圍當中。
《黑暗旅行》(Contre Jour)遊戲亮點•遊戲由5大章節組成,內含100個獨特關卡以及300個可採集的光點,需要數小時才可通關。•玩家通過直觀的控制方式來改變周圍的環境。•可操​​縱12種不同的互動元素;大門、彈弓、觸角、鼓風機等等。•美輪美奐的視覺風格令《黑暗旅行》(Contre Jour)獨樹一幟——絕對是今年精品遊戲之一。•由David Ari Leon創作的豐富而樸實的原聲音樂,非常貼合Petit的旅程。建議您戴上耳機全身心投入到黑暗旅行》(Contre Jour)的奇幻世界中。•遊戲過程中需要解鎖各種挑戰,您能把它們都找到嗎?

