神龍部落 - Dragon Village

The mythical beasts, dragons, that were thought to be extinct, have returned. Your goal? Find the eggs of these legendary beasts and train them to perfection!
52 distinct dragons.
3 levels of evolution per dragon.
Ranging from diverse stages like the Wrecked Ship to the Fire Mountains, venture out into the world of Dragon Village and reveal the hidden eggs of these mythical creatures.
Possessing either fire, earth, water, wind or light elements, let’s conquer all the challenges with your dragons to be the best of Dragon Village.

Simple mechanics, gameplay
Diverse appearance and abilities of legendary dragons
Neat and upgraded visuals for the Android
Be the best on the Leaderboard
Conquer ancient monsters in the Dungeon Stage
Fight your friends and other players through the PvP system
Addition of the Spirit Lodge (Prophecy, Combination)
12 New fascinating dragons
New items
Additional signature moves for every dragons.

Items may be purchased outside of the game with In App Billing through the use of real life money.
(With the policy of the market, all transactions are final. Thus, any transactions by a mistake or an accident cannot be refunded.)

In order to load your personal data in this game, you must be connected to either 3G/4G/WIFI.

Dragon Village Website : http://www.dragonvillage.net
Publisher Website: http://www.highbrow-inc.com



- 像集齊寵物小精靈一樣, 把42種巨龍收錄在圖鑑中
- 龍蛋可以透過戰鬥、合成、玩老虎機獲得和用鑽石購買
- 同種龍族不同造型,三段進化,培養特殊技能
- 購買各種珍貴食材、寶石和道具,讓神龍展現十足的戰鬥力
- 一周目破關後,將出現更具挑戰性的地下城關卡
- 專為Android手機畫面設計的視覺元素
- 支援Leaderboard排行榜,讓你成為朋友中的最強馴龍師
- 支援挑戰其他玩家的PVP競技場系統



