Anomaly Korea

*** SPECIAL DISCOUNTED LAUNCH PRICE ***The sequel to the critically acclaimed 'Anomaly Warzone Earth'!The alien robots are back and this time they've got Korea in their sights. It's your job to lead a squad into fierce fire-fights and fend off the alien invasion. Plan your routes carefully and use new units and powers to turn the tide of war against a horde of new enemy threats.This isn’t tower defense it’s tower offense!AWARD-WINNING GAMEPLAYFlipping the tower defense genre on its head, you play the invaders leading your unit into alien-infested districts. Plan carefully, use your money and powers wisely, and make it through unscathed.A NEW WAY TO PLAYKeep an eye on the action from a top-down perspective and use tactile touch controls to assemble your squad, plan your route using the new tactical map and simply execute player powers such as Boost, which speeds up your unit's offense. Test your leadership abilities in the new 'Art of War' trials.CUTTING-EDGE PRESENTATIONThis thrilling portable strategy game comes to life in stunning detail on your device with stunning high-definition visuals and attention to detail. Anomaly Korea delivers an atmospheric soundtrack and full voice acting – this is console gameplay on a portable device.Game Features:•A sequel to the award-winning Anomaly Warzone Earth•Think tactically across 12 new missions•Deploy new player powers and units to take on new enemies•Put your skills to the test in 'Art of War' mode•Cutting-edge visuals and a stunning soundtrack with full voice acting•Optimised for best Android devicesFor more information or support, please visit"驚心動魄的即時戰略遊戲帶著在韓國的新戰役回來了!*** 折扣價 ***
驚心動魄的即時戰略遊戲帶著在韓國的新戰役回來了!憑藉“Anomaly Warzone Earth”獲得“蘋果設計獎”的創作者們攜第二代塔樓攻擊遊戲“Anomaly Korea”強勢回歸*帶著激烈的戰鬥,引人入勝的情節,規劃戰鬥路線的戰術地圖,新的構件,新的玩家道具,還有更瘋狂的為對抗成群的外星人入侵而創建新戰場的競賽,塔樓防禦戰又開始了人類宣布東京之戰勝利並將入侵的外星人趕出了地球後幾個月過去了…或者我們是這麼認為的外星機器人帶來了它們的複仇,並用在朝鮮半島對人類軍隊大規模的攻擊回擊那次失敗這就是你,指揮官,開始行動的背景*控制攻擊反應小隊,領導你的裝甲軍團對抗帶來破壞的外星塔樓,謹慎地規劃戰略,運用特殊的武器和技能來扭轉戰局,體驗獨特的戰略遊戲風格“Anomaly Korea”的亮點:-在塔樓防禦模式中融合了戰略和行動-你能在手機遊戲中見到的最炫的視覺效果-戰役情節引人入勝,揭示外星入侵者的秘密-新的遊戲理念,讓異形大戰的模式保持新鮮度和興奮度,讓塔樓防禦戰的體驗更為刺激-新構件、新塔樓和新技能-針對高性能的安卓手機進行了優化了解更多或獲得支持,請登錄網站

