斯巴達之榮耀(Glory of Sparta)

"☆Speech by the king of Sparta!
The tyrannical king of Persia, Xerxes, has amassed his dark legions against Greece! It is our solemn duty to defend Greece and dispatch his minions to Hades. We will make our stand at Thermopylae, where we will engrave in eternity the bravery and name of SPARTA!

30 levels
13 Spartan types (4 historic hero characters)
30 Persian types
12 skills (12 active, 4 passive)
RPG style level-up system
Fantasy history game
Automatic hack & slash
Combination of strategy + defense
Establishment of your own camp with strategic flags

☆Meet historic heroes!
Hero Agesilaus
- King who tried to free many Greek cities from the clutches of Persia. He shoots arrows with powerful fire.

Hero Gylippus
- General who thwarted the Athenian plan to conquer Sicily. He has the ability to heal heroes and soldiers around him.

Hero Brasidas
- Hero of the Peloponnesian War who is compared to Hercules in the Symposium by Plato. Using his tremendous Health as a weapon, he provokes enemies to attack him.

Hero Pausanias
- Spartan supreme commander for the allied powers that destroyed the Persian military. With powerful attacks and health, he significantly increases the attack power of allies by raising their morale."


30 級
13 類斯巴達人(4 位歷史英雄人物)
30 類波斯人
16 種技能(12 種主動、4 種被動)
角色扮演遊戲 (RPG) 風格升級系統

- 斯巴達國王,曾試圖使眾多希臘城市擺脫波斯的統治。他可以射出帶有強大火焰的箭。

- 斯巴達將軍,曾阻撓雅典征服西西里島的計劃。他能夠治愈身邊的英雄和士兵。

- 伯羅奔尼撒戰爭的英雄,柏拉圖在“哲學對話”中將他與赫拉克勒斯相提並論。他使​​用自己的巨大身體作為武器,挑釁敵人進行攻擊。

- 摧毀波斯軍隊的斯巴達聯軍最高統帥。他具有強大的攻擊能力和體能,可以通過鼓舞士氣來顯著提高盟軍的攻擊力。
