Tiny Thief

Join Tiny Thief on a big adventure!

In a world of greed, corruption and injustice, one little guy decides to stand up for the little guy! Say hello to Tiny Thief, an unconventional hero who uses cunning and trickery to out-smart his opponents across six epic medieval adventures. But beware ! He faces fearsome foes, like the Dark Knight, rogue pirates and even a giant robot!

Tiny Thief brings back the magic from the point-and-click games of old, charming you with its very own visual style and offbeat sense of humor.

The game throws some seriously mind-boggling puzzles at you, with tons of surprising interactive gameplay elements along the way. So get ready to embark on an epic quest to save a princess and kingdom in peril!

Six big adventures – sneak and steal your way through six epic quests, featuring an awesome pirate ship and daring castle siege!

Use cunning and skill – out-smart your tricky opponents using the element of surprise and some downright sneakiness!

Unexpected surprises – explore fully interactive levels and uncover hidden treasures and other surprises at every turn!

Tiny Thief is ready to start his big adventure. Are you?

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Important Message for Parents

This game may include:
- Direct links to social networking websites that are intended for an audience over the age of 13.
- Direct links to the internet that can take players away from the game with the potential to browse any web page.
- Advertising of Rovio products and also products from select partners.

加入 Tiny Thief,開始大冒險!

在一個貪婪、腐敗和不公肆虐的世界裡,一個小人物決定為小人物們挺身而出!向 Tiny Thief 問好。他是一個非傳統意義上的英雄,在六次史詩般的中世紀冒險中,用機智與計謀戰勝自己的對手。但是要小心!他面對的都是令人膽顫的敵人,如“黑闇騎士”、流氓海盜、甚至巨型機器人!

Tiny Thief 這款遊戲喚回了古老的“點擊式”遊戲的魔力,讓玩家痴迷於其非常獨特的視效風格和不尋常的幽默感。


六次大冒險- 偷偷摸摸地完成6 個史詩般的任務,經歷可怕的海盜船以及大膽的攻城之戰!

運用機智和技能- 用出其不意和如風如電的動作戰勝難纏的對手!

意外驚喜- 探索充滿互動的關卡,並在每一個回合中發現隱藏的寶藏和其他驚喜!

Tiny Thief 已做好開始大冒險的準備。您準備好了嗎?

