Lep's World 2

From the creators of the number 1 hit Lep's World – over 60 million downloads!

nerByte presents the long-awaited successor ​​of Lep's World with more Levels, more Items, more enemies, better game physics, awesome graphics and beautiful new sound effects. Thanks for all your feedback! We took the best ideas and packed them into Lep's World 2 , and the result is an incredibly good and addictive game.

It is a beautiful sunny day in Leprechaun Village. Lep and his friends enjoy the sun, when suddenly the sky darkens and lightning fills the sky. An evil wizard appears, he steals the Leprechaun's gold, and kidnaps all the villagers except Lep, who luckily escapes. The wizard is planning to use the Leprechaun's magic and combine it with his own to take over the world.

Lep has to save his friends and family all alone. So help him to gain more powerful abilities to defeat the wizard. Jump and run through Lep's world and have fun with 64 awesome well-designed levels.

Note: Get more abilities after each World. (eg to wear more pine cones ;) )


+ an awesome platformer game in the style of Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Giana Sisters, Sonic, Rayman and similar games!
+ 52 incredible l
+ Beautiful new graphics with more detail
+ 8 unique Worlds with 64 Levels
+ 10 items and abilities
+ 13 demanding enemies
+ Challenging boss fights

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We hope you enjoy the game.

Have fun!! :)

點擊率第一(超過6000 萬次下載)的Lep's World 作者再推新作!

nerByte 推出了萬眾期待的Lep's World 後續作品,更多關卡、更多道具、更多敵人、更出色的遊戲物理引擎、驚豔的畫面和悅耳的全新音效。感謝大家的所有反饋意見!我們採納了其中最棒的想法並將它們付諸於Lep's World 2 中實現,從而造就了這個無與倫比、讓人欲罷不能的遊戲。

那是精靈村莊陽光明媚的一天。就在Lep 和他的朋友們享受陽光的時候,突然間天空烏云密布、電閃雷鳴。邪惡的巫師出現了,他盜走了精靈村莊的黃金,綁架了所有的村民,而只有Lep 幸運地逃出生天。巫師想要利用精靈們的魔法配合自己的巫術統治全世界。

Lep 不得不孤軍奮戰,解救他的朋友們和家人。請幫助他獲得更多強大的技能,打敗巫師。在Lep's World 裡盡情奔跑、跳躍,挑戰64 道設計精良、緊張刺激的關卡。


+ 精美的畫面,更多細節呈現
+ 8 個獨特的世界,64 道關卡
+ 10 種道具和技能
+ 13 種難以對付的敵人
+ 挑戰關口 Boss

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