Ms. Green


本APP以外國人的角度出發,以「旅行 X 漫畫」的新穎手法免費介紹豐富的日本旅行資訊給大眾。希望大眾在漫畫的世界裏再一次以不同角度發挖及感受日本的魅力。




l  計畫旅行時作為情報收集的方法

l  旅行期間作為電子旅遊指南

l  上下班、上下課的時間閱讀加深對日本文化理解

l  作為學習異文化的工具

l  上下班、上下課的時間閱讀學習外語


l  以漫畫形式閱讀,既輕鬆亦有趣

l  在漫畫內容裡介紹了各種各樣的觀光景點,有了此程式就無需要再攜帶沉重的旅行指南

l  內容實用,除了旅遊景點外,還有關於如果免費在日本使用WI-FI等等實用資訊。

l  故事內容有許多與外國人交流的場面,有效幫助異文化理解。

l  有多種語言選擇(日文、英文、中文繁體字),故事裡每一頁都能馬上轉換到別的言語頁面,對語言學習有幫助




l  由於本APP故事性強,相比傳統旅行指南更能有趣地吸有資訊。

l  故事主人公所途經的路線都是精心設計的,只要依著此路線遊覽便能輕鬆地感受當地風土人情,更能節省計劃旅行的時間。

l  多語言選擇。初步有英文、日文、中文繁體字選擇,日後將會逐步增加。

l  故事內所涉及的文化,名景點等等都是外國人所感興趣的。而故事主人公會跟據國籍不同而有不同的性格及表現,能促進異文化理解。




l  於twitter及facebook 宣傳(準備中)

l  進行推廣活動

l  於日本主要酒店、觀光景點放置傳宣單張

l  以SNS形式透過JAPANICA發送(約有15萬海外人仕)

The journey begins with manga!

Ms. Green is a new form of travel guide app that will introduce you to the exquisite Japanese culture through manga.

Linked with, the largest travel booking website specializing Japan travel, this app not only introduces you to various tourism information through its manga, but can make reservations and payments for hotels and tours with a touch of a button.

Manga is optimized for browsing on smartphone screens; its pages scroll from top to bottom.
It is an easy read even for people who are not used to reading manga.

Content is available in 3 languages: English, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.

The main story focuses on a new recruit of a travel agency.
Through her story, the manga will introduce you to various tourism sites, gourmets, events and cultural activities from all over Japan.
The story also focuses on the cultural interactions between the tourists and the protagonist, as well as her growth as a professional travel agent.

The sub-contents will comically illustrate the cultural differences tourists often face. Episodes include topics such as, “How to ride the train”, “Wi-Fi Spots of Japan”, “Japanese Super Toilets”, etc.

*More contents coming soon!

We will periodically perform special campaigns.
Don’t miss your chance to win special prizes such as travel coupons and hotel accommodation tickets!
