Auto Screen On Off (Smart Cover) 螢幕自動開關 (含小工具)

A simple utility to automatically turn ON or OFF the screen by detecting the proximity sensor, instead of pressing power button manually. A convenient widget is also provided to indicate it's current status.

Sometimes the power button is hard to press, or you want to save protect the hardware power button for longer use. This app and provided notification/widget can save you from accessing the power button all the time.

1. By detecting p-sensor, automatically turn on/off the screen for you.
2. Allows you to only enable the function during charging.
3. Allows you to disable the feature when the screen is rotated.
4. You can set separate timeout values for screen on/off delay to prevent from accidentally triggering the feature.
5. A widget is supported to quickly toggle the function.
6. Notification is supported to quickly toggle function, or directly turn screen off.
7. NEW Power Save Mode: works on some devices. Try if it works for YOU!
8. Play sound or vibrate while close.

0. Modify Settings in "Auto Screen Settings" app and enable the function
1. Add widget "AutoScreenOnOff" to your home screen
2. Press once on the icon to trigger Device Management Confirmation Dialog.
3. Agree to activate device management. (This is required to turn off the screen)
4. Now everything should work now. Try cover your hand over the top area of the screen (where the proximity sensor might be located) to see if it works.

- Since it uses proximity sensor to detect whether the screen should be on or off, this may use some power consumption. So, if you are not using your device for a long time, suggest you turning off the function.

- If you wants to uninstall the app, please do it from top of the app.

Translation Helps from:
Hai Long Hoang: Vietnamese
WebFrogeye : French
Ján Kučera: Slovak
Renek: Czech
Xander Stone: Dutch

ps. If you have any suggestions, questions, bug reports, or you are willing to help translate strings, please send me email.




1. 自動幫你決定何時開關螢幕
2. 讓你可以在有接上USB線時,才開啟本功能
3. 讓你可以在畫面橫放時,暫時關閉本功能,避免影響看影片或是玩橫畫面的遊戲
4. 可以設定延遲作用的值,讓你可以更有效地避免誤觸感測器
5. 支援桌面小工具,可以快速開關本功能
6. 支援顯示訊息於通知欄內,可以快速開關本功能
7. 關閉畫面時播放音效或震動

0. 在螢幕自動開關App裡,進行設定,開啟本功能。
1. 在主畫面上新增自動螢幕開關小工具。圖示此時為灰色的。
2. 按一下圖示以開啟服務。當按下時,如果未曾給過裝置管理員的權限,會彈出一個對話框請使用者同意本軟體使用裝置管理員的lock功能。
3. 選擇"啟動"
4. 此時圖示轉為黃色,表示設定完成。你也可以把手置於"接近感測器"上,或是蓋上保護蓋,以達到效果。

- 因為此功能是透過偵測"接近感測器"狀態來實作的;所以建議在長時間不使用時,將其關閉,以減少耗電。
- 如果要移除此程式,請點選畫面下方的移除軟體