Stock Tracker - Stock Prices

Enhance your stock tracking experience with Stock Tracker - a free, simple yet comprehensive stock price tracking and portfolio management application designed for Android.

Easily search for stocks via stock ticker symbols or company names, add them to your trading portfolios and start monitoring your stock quotes and portfolio performance!

Create watchlists to monitor stocks in the stock market that you do not own but are interested to either buy or short sell.

Stock price alerts can also be created so that whenever your stock hit specific price targets, you will receive a timely notification.

Functions include:
- Access up-to-date stock market statistics (eg. realtime stock quotes etc)
- View stock charts for different date periods.
- Find out the latest company news via RSS feed
- Create and manage your stock trading portfolios
- Record your stock trades and track the performance of your various portfolios
- Create and manage watchlists to monitor stocks of interest
- Create alerts and receive stock price alert notifications
- Ability to set preferred update frequency to conserve phone battery
- Multiple home screen widgets for portfolios and watchlists for quick access to stock information

Stock Tracker is optimized to run on both Android phones and tablets and is completely free!

Note that Stock Tracker does not sync with any actual portfolio. It acts as either a learning tool for stock tracking beginners or a supporting tool for seasoned stock traders.

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