Google Earth (Google 地球)

Google Earth for Android enables you to explore the globe with a swipe of your finger.

* Fly through 3D cities like London, Tokyo and Rome
* Dive in to view the world at street level with integrated Street View
* Use the Tour Guide to discover exciting new places to explore
* Browse layers like Wikipedia or Photos to learn more about a place
* Visit the Maps Gallery to find interesting maps, e.g. plot real-time earthquakes, planes in flight, view hiking trails and more

Make sure that you check out the in-app tutorial to learn how to navigate like a pro.

Happy exploring!

「只要輕輕滑動手指,Google 地球 Android 版就能帶您暢遊全世界。
* 遊覽紐約、東京和羅馬等 3D 顯示的城市
* 透過整合內建的「街景服務」,探訪世界各個角落
* 使用「遊覽」功能發掘引人入勝的新地點
* 瀏覽「維基百科」或「相片」圖層,取得各地詳細資訊
* 透過地圖圖庫找出特殊的地圖 (例如,即時繪製地震發生地點和飛行中的航班位置,以及查看健行路線等等)
請詳閱應用程式內的教學課程,瞭解如何發揮 Google 地球的強大功能。

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