You ready for the gun show? All will be decided in the ultimate MMO first-person shooter, Blitz Brigade!
Put on your warface as one of six highly skilled and totally badass classes and team up with other players to pound your enemies into the dirt, then dig 'em up for another pounding!
*****Lock 'n' load for team-based FPS mayhem!*****
√ Up to 12 players can battle at the same time
√ 6 classes: Soldier, Gunner, Medic, Sniper, Stealth and Demolisher
√ Customise and master each class's specialised skills
√ Create or join a Clan to crush global opponents as a team
√ Catch limited-time events for new challenges, seasonal contests and loads of fun!
√ Control the battlefield in Domination mode
√ Take down everything that moves in Free-For-All
√ Race to rack up the kills in Deathmatch
√ Infiltrate to dominate in Flag Capture
√ Roll out in a variety of powerful land and air vehicles
√ Over 100 weapons to customise your chaos
√ Top off your unique look with a wide selection of hats
√ Unique taunts and kill quotes add character to your team
√ Voice Chat lets you strategise with allies
√ Practice punishment
√ Prime your skills and pump up for battle in challenging single-player missions
***** War just got a whole lot crazier! *****
***** 荷槍實彈加入 FPS 團隊射擊戰!*****
√ 最多可有12位玩家同時參與戰鬥。
√ 6大兵種:軍人、砲手、醫療兵、狙擊手、潛行兵及爆破兵。
√ 自訂並駕馭每個兵種的獨特技能。
√ 建立或加入聯隊,合力打敗來自世界各地的對手。
√ 在限時賽事中迎接新挑戰及季節競賽,讓你玩到欲罷不能!
√ 在統治戰模式中稱霸戰場。
√ 在混戰模式中大開殺戒。
√ 在生死戰模式中殺紅眼,累積你的殺敵數。
√ 在奪旗賽中滲入敵營以取得勝利。
√ 一系列陸地跟空中的交通工具供你選擇。
√ 超過100種武器,讓你創造屬於你的作戰方式。
√ 五花八門的頭部造型讓你的外型更加獨特。
√ 隊伍擁有獨特的嘲諷方式與招牌口頭禪,更增特色。
√ 透過語音聊天與盟友訂定作戰計畫。
√ 懲罰敵人。
√ 加強你的戰鬥技巧,並在極具挑戰的單人任務中脫穎而出。
***** 戰況愈演愈烈,一發不可收拾!*****
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